you are at Kosambi make a point of visiting Prabhosa. This
hill was known in ancient times as Mankula and is where
the Buddha spent his sixth rains retreat There are no discourses
in the Tipitaka taught at Prabhosa so perhaps the Buddha
spent the whole stay here in silence. If so this would be
quite understandable; Prabhosa is a particularly lonely
and peaceful place.
Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsiang came here in the 7th century
and saw a stupa built by King Asoka but neither this or
any other Buddhist antiquities can be found here today.
There are caves and rock shelters all over Prabhosa particularly
on the steeper and rockier north side.
largest cave, now called Sita's Window, may have been where
the Buddha stayed during his visit. In later centuries it
was the Jains who came to dominate Prabho sa
as is clear from their many inscriptions and images in the
area. Climb to the top of the hill and you will get a sweeping
view over the Yamuna River and the small temple town of
Prabhosa nearby. About a kilometre from Kosambi the main
road back to Allahabad branches to the left. Proceed along
it for about 10 kilometres and you will come to Prabhosa.
On your return to Allahabad take either the bus or the train
to Varanasi.