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Bhutan003.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (12) 2211 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them.
(5 votes)
Footprints_of_the_Buddha.pdfFootprints of the Buddha4424 viewsPligrimage to Buddhist India. This booklet was written for you so you can understand the significance of the most sacred Buddhist places in India. It is in these places that the Buddha dwell and left his footprints 2600 years ago. Thousands of devoted and wise persons in the world have venerated these sacred and holy places by touching the earth with their foreheads, on which the Buddha has trodden.44444
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11_tara.jpgThe 21 Taras (11)1864 viewsThe 21 Taras [Tibetan style] (Tibetan, Sgrol-ma)

It was not until the adoption of the Yogachara system, taught by Asanga in the fourth century AD, that the feminine principle began to be venerated in Mahayana Buddhism. Around the sixth century, the goddess Tara was considered as a Sakti of Avalokitesvara (sometimes as his wife).
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pictograph03.jpgPictograph034499 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Pictograph0344444
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track02_four-noble-truths.mp3(02) Vipassana Meditation Retreat1463 viewsTrack02 The Four Noble Truths - 10 Vipassana Retreat Talks, by Sayadaw U Janaka (6/12/2003)
The second evening talk during an intensive Vipassana (Insight) meditation retreat in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition of Burma, by the abbot and Meditation Master of Chanmyay Meditation Centre, Yangon, Myanmar.
(5 votes)
seeding.pdfSeeding the Heart3706 viewsTo learn about the radiating of loving-kindness to all beings with children, we have to tap into the store of knowledge accumulated by lay people and parents. It must be knowledge which has grown out of years of living and loving with children and young adults. Gregory Kramer, father of three boys, shows us here with subtle but precise adjustments in the standard practice of loving-kindness meditation he was able to anchor it in the lives of his children.44444
(9 votes)
08pinklotus01.jpgPink Lotus 013207 viewsPink Lotus 0144444
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Wisdom_of_Emptiness.mp3Wisdom of Emptiness2242 viewsTenzin Palmo met her Guru, His Eminence the eighth Khamtrul Rinpoche in India and became one of the first Westerners to be ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist nun. She remained with Khamtrul Rinpoche and his community in Himachal Pradesh, northern India, for six years and then he directed her to the Himalayan valley of Lahaul in order to undertake more intensive practice. Tenzin Palmo stayed in a small monastery there for several years, remaining in retreat during the long winter months. Then, seeking for more seclusion and better conditions for practice, she found a nearby cave where she remained for another 12 years, the last 3 years in strict retreat. She left India in 1988 and went to stay in Italy where she taught at various Dharma centres.44444
(8 votes)
M19_Dukkha1.mp3Dukkha (Part 1)1369 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Dukkha
(Part 1) (40 mins)
(8 votes)
4tiger.jpgTiger7552 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Tiger44444
(8 votes)
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