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Day04_5FacultiesPart_2.MP35 Faculties (Part 2)1853 viewsDay Four: Part 2: Dhamma Talk on The 5 Faculties (Indriyas) given at the 2009 10-day Vipassana Retreat at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, Australia.33333
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Day01Intro_MettaInstruction.MP32009 Bodhi Tree Retreat: Introduction, with Metta Meditation Instruction2067 viewsDay One: Introduction with Metta Meditation Instruction given at the 2009 10-day Vipassana Retreat at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, Australia.33333
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BT09A.MP3Lecture 9. (a) The Social Dimensions of the Buddha's Teachings1262 viewsThe lectures explain the Dhamma from the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest continuous Buddhist school, whose scriptures, the Pali canon, give the most accurate picture of what the historical Buddha himself actually taught. The lectures are intended to be basic enough to be of value to beginners without previous study of the Dhamma, and deep and through enough to be of interest to long-term students seeking to extend and clarify their understanding.33333
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BT05B.MP3Lecture 5. (b) Rebirth and Kamma1836 viewsThe lectures explain the Dhamma from the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest continuous Buddhist school, whose scriptures, the Pali canon, give the most accurate picture of what the historical Buddha himself actually taught. The lectures are intended to be basic enough to be of value to beginners without previous study of the Dhamma, and deep and through enough to be of interest to long-term students seeking to extend and clarify their understanding.33333
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Ksitigarbha01.jpgKsitigarbha Bodhisattva012137 viewsTi Tsang P'usa: Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva

Ti Tsang P'usa is an extremely popular Bodhisattva among the Chinese and Japanese Buddhists. 'Ti Tsang', meaning 'Earth-Store' is a direct translation of the Bodhisattva's name KSITIGARBHA in Sanskrit. Among the countless Bodhisattvas in the universe, he and three others have firmly captured the hearts of the Mahayanists. These four main P'usas or Bodhisattvas are depicted in the Chinese Buddhist Pantheon and they represent four basic great qualities:

KUAN SHIH YIN as Great Compassion;
WEN SHU as Great Wisdom;
PU HSIEN as Great Love and Perfect Activity;
TI TSANG as Great Vow to help and to deliver all beings.

His greatest compassionate Vow being: "If I do not go to the hell to help the suffering beings there, who else will go? ... if the hells are not empty I will not become a Buddha. Only when all living beings have been saved, will I attain Bodhi."

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M15_PleasureHappiness1.mp3Pleasure and Happiness (Part 1)1093 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Pleasure and Happiness (Part 1) (46 mins)33333
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14_Track_14.mp3BUDDHIST DOXOLOGY1606 viewsBright shineth the sun in his splendor by day,
And bright the moon’s radiance by night;
Bright shineth the hero in battle array,
And the sage in his thought shineth bright.
But by day and by night, none so glorious and bright.
As Lord Buddha, the Source of all Spiritual Light;
But by day and by night, none so glorious and bright
As Lord Buddha, the Source of all Spiritual Light.
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wz-windhorse1.jpgWindhorse5030 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Windhorse33333
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ritual-dagger.jpgRitual Dagger5062 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Ritual Dagger33333
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huxter_peace_and_joy_with_the_breath.mp3Peace and Joy with the Breath953 viewsCultivating peace and joy with the breath, is an extension of the track "Calming the body with the breath". It is a Calm meditation practice and for some people it can provide a way to cultivate peace and joy. 33333
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978 files on 98 page(s) 67

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