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Buddhist eLibrary Feature: Buddhist Studies
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05_Vesak_Track.mp35. Softly Blew the Breezes893 views55555
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04_Vesak_Track.mp34. The Bodhi Day867 views55555
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IMG0047.jpgMeeting of East and West, Nepal Pagoda, Munich792 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community55555
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IMG0010.jpgTibetan Pilgrims Emei Shan, China1305 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community55555
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Track03_Suffering_Should_Be_Welcomed_-_Suffering_Has_Been_Welcome.mp3Suffering Should be Welcome - Suffering Has Been Welcome943 views55555
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Nagarjuna-upaya.pdfNāgārjuna and the Philosophy of Upāya 1931 viewsThe purpose of this article is to offer a different account of Nāgārjuna than is found in contemporary Western scholarship. It will not ask what it means for causality, truth, the self, or consciousness to be "empty" in a very general sense, but rather how Nāgārjuna’s philosophy relates to the soteriological practices of Buddhism and what it means for those practices to be "empty" of inherent nature. Rather than describing Nāgārjuna as a metaphysician this study will situate him squarely within the early Mahāyāna tradition and the philosophical problem of practice that is expressed through the doctrine of “skill-in-means” (upāya-kauśalya). It should become evident in what follows that the doctrine of upāya has little in common with Western metaphysics. It is unconcerned with problems regarding causality, personal identity, consciousness, logic, language, or any other issues that are unrelated to specific problems surrounding the nature and efficacy of Buddhist practice. Given that every major tradition in Buddhism stresses the indispensable nature of practice, it is highly unlikely that Nagarjuna’s philosophy is concerned with metaphysical issues or that his doctrine of “emptiness” can be separated from the soteriological practices of Buddhism.55555
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11_Exposition_web.pdfVolume 11. Exposition of the Sutra of Brahma's Net1518 viewsExposition of the Sutra of Brahma's Net.55555
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1_Preface_Collected_Works_Korean-Buddhism.pdfPreface to Collected Works of Korean Buddhism1371 viewsPreface to the Collected Works of Korean Buddhism55555
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09_Seon_Poems_web.pdfVolume 9. Seon Poems: Selected Works1931 viewsSeon Poems: Selected Works.55555
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08_Seon_Dialogues_web.pdfVolume 8. Seon Dialogues1624 viewsSeon Dialogues55555
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978 files on 98 page(s) 7

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