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Karaniya Metta Sutta

This is a popular discourse, in the form of a poem, and one of the best known and most cited and recited in Theravada Buddhist countries. It is found in the Pali Canon's Khuddakapatha and Sutta Nipata with the title Metta Sutta (The Discourse on Friendliness). However, in order to
distinguish it from other `Metta-suttas' in the Pali Canon, this particular Metta Sutta is traditionally known as Karaniya Metta Sutta because its first verse commences with the Pali word Karaniya (one should act thus).

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Album name:elibrary / Suttas
Rating (5 votes):11111
Keywords:Karaniya Metta / Sutta / Pali Cannon
Author:Translation and Explanations Based on P� li Sources by Bhikkhu Nyanadassana
Country:Sri Lanka
Licensing:Public Domain
Filesize:842 KiB
Date added:Jul 17, 2010
Dimensions:0 x 0 pixels
Displayed:2755 times
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