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DP_Eight_Lifetime_Precepts.pdfEight Lifetime Precepts1102 viewsEight Lifetime Precepts are an expansion of Ajivatthamaka Sila. The first seven Precepts are the same but the eighth Precept is an amalgamation of the eighth Precept of Ajivatthamaka Sila and the fifth Precept of Panca Sila (The Five Precepts): I undertake the training rule [Precept] to abstain from wrong livelihood; and drinks and drugs that cause heedlessness.
DP_Kamma-patha.pdfKamma-patha (Ten Courses of Wholesome Action)1335 viewsAjivatthamaka Sila (The Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth) and Ariya Atthangika Magga (The Noble Eightfold Path) and Dasa Kusala Kamma-patha (Ten Courses of Wholesome Action)
DP_NIne_Upostha_Precepts.pdfNine Upostha Precepts1173 viewsNavanga Uposatha Sila (Nine Uposatha Precepts) are listed in the Pali Canon in The Book of the Gradual Sayings (Anguttara Nikaya) Volume IV The Book of the Nines, viii Amity, pages 259-260. (Published by the PTS Pali Text Society). The Pali Commentary to this Sutta states "Loving-kindness meditation is included in accordance with the temperament of the people to be guided".
Eight_Precepts_in_Burmese_Buddhism.pdfEight Precepts in Burmese Buddhism988 viewsWritings on the subject of Ajivatthamaka Sila and other Precepts by notable Theravada Buddhist scholar-monks, either Myanmar [Burmese] or who have a connection with Myanmar [Burma]; and by Sayagyi U Chit Tin (a lay Buddhist born in Myanmar [Burma]).
Panca_Sila_Pali_Canon.pdfPanca Sila (The Five Precepts) in The Pali Canon1588 viewsIn some suttas only the first four precepts are mentioned, whereas all five precepts are described together in other suttas. The first four precepts are pakati-sila whereas the fifth precept is pannati-sila. Venerable Nyanatiloka explains in his Buddhist Dictionary that pakati-sila [is] natural or genuine morality, [which] is distinct from those outward rules of conduct laid down for either laymen or monks. Those latter are the so-called prescribed morality (pannatti-sila).
Suttas which include The Five Precepts are listed.
Panca_Sila_Requirements_Certificate.pdfPanca Sila: Certificate Requirements and Ceremonies1096 viewsDhamma Teachers Certificate Requirements and Ceremonies
BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) and Ketumati Buddhist Vihara, Requirements and Ceremonies for The Five Precepts (Pañca Sīla) The Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth (Ājīvatthamaka Sīla) Dhamma Teachers Certificate.
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