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Home > eBook Library > Basic Buddhist Teachings > Good Question, Good Answer - Ven. S. Dhammika

Last additions - Good Question, Good Answer - Ven. S. Dhammika
gqga_spanish.pdfGood Question, Good Answer (Spanish)1822 viewsGood Question, Good Answer (Spanish version)Sep 25, 2013
gqga_sinhala.pdfGood Question, Good Answer (Sinhala)1360 viewsGood Question, Good Answer (Sinhala version)Sep 25, 2013
gqga_chinese.pdfGood Question, Good Answer (Chinese)1607 viewsGood Question, Good Answer (Chinese version)Sep 25, 2013
gqga_arabic.pdfGood Questions, Good Answers (Arabic)3061 viewsQuestions and answers on basic Buddhism (Arabic version)Apr 18, 2009
gqga2.pdfGood Questions, Good Answers (English)17081 viewsThis is a very popular book on questions and answers on basic Buddhism. Read the answers to questions that people often ask about the Buddha's Teachings with Venerable S. Dhammika. The book covers topics such as What is Buddhism? Basic Buddhist Concepts, Buddhism and the god Idea, The Five Precepts, Rebirth, Meditation, Wisdom and Compassion, Vegetarianism, Good Luck and Fate and Becoming a Buddhist.Apr 18, 2009
gqga_khamer.pdfGood Question, Good Answer (Cambodian)2044 viewsKhmer (Cambodian) edition of Ven. Dhammika's Good Question, Good Answer. Translator: Bhikkhu S. Vodano.Jan 01, 1970
6 files on 1 page(s)

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