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seeding.pdfSeeding the Heart3786 viewsTo learn about the radiating of loving-kindness to all beings with children, we have to tap into the store of knowledge accumulated by lay people and parents. It must be knowledge which has grown out of years of living and loving with children and young adults. Gregory Kramer, father of three boys, shows us here with subtle but precise adjustments in the standard practice of loving-kindness meditation he was able to anchor it in the lives of his children.Jan 01, 1970
jataka_p.pdfBuddhist Tales for Young & Old (Vol. 2)6416 viewsThis is the illustrated version of Buddhist Tales for Young and Old (volume 2), with line drawings by John Patterson, which are suitable for colouring in.Jan 01, 1970
jataka_t.pdfBuddhist Tales for Young & Old (Vol. 2)4865 viewsThis is the second volume of fifty stories from the Jataka Tales - Buddhist Tales for Young and Old, interpreted by Ven. Kurunegoda Piyatissa, Maha Thera and told by Todd Anderson. These stories are not scholarly word-for-word translations as have been done by others. Rather these tales have been rewritten in modern English understandable by western readers. By reading these stories, children and adults can develop their knowledge and learn how to face the difficulties of modern life.Jan 01, 1970
jtwebv1p.pdfBuddhist Tales for Young & Old (Vol. 1)4699 viewsThis is an illustrated version of Buddhist Tales for Young and Old (volume 1), with line drawings by John Patterson, which are suitable for colouring in.Jan 01, 1970
jataka_tv1.pdfBuddhist Tales for Young & Old (Vol. 1)5444 viewsFifty stories from the Jataka Tales - Prince Goodspeaker. Interpreted by Ven. Kurunegoda Piyatissa, Maha Thera and told by Todd Anderson. The Jataka stories, over millennia, have been seminal to the development of many civilisations, the cultivation of moral conduct and good behaviour, the growth of a rich and varied literature in diverse parts of the world and the inspiration for paintings, sculpture and architecture of enduring aesthetic value. The Buddha himself used Jataka stories to explain concepts like karma and rebirth and to emphasize the importance of moral values.Jan 01, 1970
screenrahula.pdfRahula Leads the Way3111 viewsRahula leads the Way [Print version only]. The Adventures of Leo: a delightful Buddhist story that describes the adventures the little boy Leo has when he meets the young monk Rahula. Thanks to Rahula's monk's training and good sense, Leo learns how to be the best little boy possible.Jan 01, 1970
screenrahula.pdfRahula Leads the Way3522 viewsThe Adventures of Leo: a delightful Buddhist story that describes the adventures the little boy Leo has when he meets the young monk Rahula. Thanks to Rahula's monk's training and good sense, Leo learns how to be the best little boy possible.Jan 01, 1970
WhoSaw.pdfThe One-Who-Saw2942 viewsThere once was a happy land where the inhabitants lived a happy and harmonious life. They were kind to one another and their ways were simple. Their wants were few... An illustrated Buddhist story about the One Who Saw combines Buddhist themes into a children's book. [42 pages]Jan 01, 1970
UpSideDown.pdfAn Upside Down World2833 viewsFind out how the sad upside down world of four unhappy wanderers go the right side up again in this wonderful illustrated story book. Suitable for younger children, it includes some fun activities to do as you read along. This book has both colour and black & white Illustrations. [30 pages]Jan 01, 1970
bmDamaStory.pdfDhammapada Stories12944 viewsSelected verses from the Dhammapada, all depicted with thirty-two beautiful illustrations. This collection is a great introduction to the Dhammapada and has been carefully compiled and edited for the younger reader by Gambhiro Bhikkhu. [126 pages]Jan 01, 1970
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