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The_Eight_Discernments_of_Eminent_Men_Sutra.pdfThe Eight Discernments of Eminent Men Sutra3219 viewsA new translation of the 佛說八大人覺經 (commonly known as the Eight realizations of Great Beings Sutra), with added commentary from the Pureland perspective.Jan 23, 2015

artliv12.pdf4880 viewsOct 19, 2014

Shobogenzo.pdfThe Shobogenzo 2345 viewsA new translation of a Zen classic. The ShÅbÅgenzÅ is the recognized spiritual masterpiece by the thirteenth century Japanese SÅtÅ Zen Master Eihei DÅgen. It is comprised of discourses that he gave to his disciples, in person or in writing, at various times between 1231 and his death twenty-two years later at age fifty-three. These discourses cover a wide range of topics pertinent to those in monastic life though often also relevant to those training in lay life. He discusses matters of daily behaviour and religious ceremonial as well as issues involving the Master-disciple relationship. He also explores the deeper meaning that informs the so-called Zen kÅan stories, which often puzzle readers by their seeming illogicality and contrary nature.Nov 16, 2013

beingssutra.pdfThe Sutra on the Eight Realizations4302 views"The content of The Sutra on the Eight Realizations is grounded in both Mahayana and Theravada viewpoints. Please treasure this Sutra. When I was seventeen, and in my first year of novice studies at a Buddhist Monastery, I had to study and memorize it. This enabled me to easily combine the meaning of the Sutra with meditation of breath counting. From this period until now, 44 years have passed and this Sutra is still an invaluable torch lighting my path. Today I have the opportunity to present it to you. I am grateful to this deep and miraculous Sutra. I join my hands and respectfully recite, "Homage to the precious Sutra on the Eight Realizations." Nov 16, 2013

Shantideva.pdfMahayana Buddhism’s Bodhisattvacaryavatara4561 viewsBodhisattvacaryavatara, composed in the 8th century A.D. by the Indian monk poet Shantideva, is one of the most celebrated texts of Mahayana Buddhism.
NB: Original Sanskrit textApr 25, 2009

muktipatha.pdfDhammapadam (Marathi language)18298 viewsThe Dhammapada in Marathi language.Jan 01, 1970

samantabhadra.pdfThe Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra4371 viewsOn Entering into the Inconceivable State of Emancipation by the Practice and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra of the Mahavaipulya Buddha Avatamsaka Sutra.Jan 01, 1970

meritsutra.pdfSutra on the Merits of the Master of Healing3998 viewsSutra on the Merits of the Fundamental Vows of the Master of Healing, The Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagata; Sutra of the Sacred Formula of the Binding Vows of the Twelve Deva Generals to Enrich All Sentient Beings; Sutra of Tearing Away All Karma Veils. From the Chinese version of the Tripitaka Master Hsuan-tsang (T'ang, 650 C.E.) T. XIV, 450.Jan 01, 1970

beingssutra.pdfSutra on the Eight Great Realization of Great Beings10212 viewsWholeheartedly, day and night, a disciple of the Buddha should recite and meditate on the Eight Realizations discovered by the Mahasattvas, the Great Beings - Commentary by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh.Jan 01, 1970

ksitigarbha.pdfSutra on Ksitigarbha Bodhisatta5076 viewsSutra on the Original Vows and the Attainment of Merits of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, translated from Chinese into English by Ms Pitt Chin Hui, President of the Singapore Regional Centre of the World Fellowship of Buddhist.Jan 01, 1970