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Karaniya_Metta_Sutta3.pdfKaraniya Metta Sutta2755 viewsThis is a popular discourse, in the form of a poem, and one of the best known and most cited and recited in Theravada Buddhist countries. It is found in the Pali Canon's Khuddakapatha and Sutta Nipata with the title Metta Sutta (The Discourse on Friendliness). However, in order to
distinguish it from other `Metta-suttas' in the Pali Canon, this particular Metta Sutta is traditionally known as Karaniya Metta Sutta because its first verse commences with the Pali word Karaniya (one should act thus).
Jul 17, 2010
FromGrasping.pdfFrom Grasping to Emptiness (2)2075 viewsExcursions into the Thought-world of the Pali Discourses

The present book is based on revised versions of entries originally published in the Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, Sri Lanka. It forms the second volume of my "Excursions into the Thought-world of the Pali discourses", complementing the previously published "From Craving to Liberation".
May 01, 2010
FromCraving.pdfFrom Craving to Liberation (1)2269 viewsExcursions into the Thought-world of the Pali Discourses

The essays collected in the present book are revised versions of entries originally published in the Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, Sri Lanka. My main emphasis in each case is on exploring a particular term from the perspective of the early Pali discourses, while other sources − be these later Pali works, Chinese parallels, or secondary publications on the matter at hand − are taken into consideration only in a supplementary fashion.
Apr 30, 2010
a_taste_of_salt(2).pdfA Taste of Salt3570 viewsThe Sutta Pitaka was written down in the Pali language over 2,000 years ago. The Sutta Pitaka is made of five collections of suttas; the Digha Nikaya, the Majjima Nikaya, the Samyutta Nikaya, the Anguttara Nikaya, and the Khuddaka Nikaya. These texts remain the most complete record of early Buddhist teachings. The suttas fill thousands of pages, and it is a daunting task for most readers to read through the many volumes. A Taste of Salt draws 350 pages containing the central teachings of the Buddha from the roughly 5,000 pages of the Sutta Pitaka. The purpose of this collection is to make these essential texts more accessible to meditators and students of Buddhism.Apr 29, 2010
First_Discourse-Comparison_of_Versions.pdfThe Buddha's First Discourse: a Comparision of Versions2132 viewsThis is a study of the Dhammacakka-Pavattana-Sutta, officially considered the first discourse of the Buddha. The tradition acknowledges that he spoke about his teaching before the occasion of the delivery of this discourse. This study was undertaken during my Buddhist studies, which was one major of my Batchelor of Arts at the University of Queensland, completed in 2004. The study compares 17 possible versions of this discourse from four languages: Pali, Chinese, Tibetan and Sanskrit. Some interesting differences are discovered and an attempt is made to explain them. An expected core of all the discourses stands out, which shows why all major schools of Buddhism accept the Four Noble Truths as the essential teaching of the Buddha.Dec 29, 2009
73_Knowledges.pdfWisdom and the Seventy-Three Kinds of Knowledge2829 viewsThe 'Seventy-Three Kinds of Knowledge' appear as a
Summary or Table of Contents (matika) in the first Treatise
on Knowledge (matika-katha) of the Canonical book Patis-
ambhida-magga (translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli as "The
Path of Discrimination", PTS ed. 1982).
Apr 25, 2009
73_knowledges.pdfSeventy-Three Kinds of Knowledge2957 viewsVen. Nyanadassana, Bhikkhu

Since these knowledges are, as a Summary, very briefly stated,the present translation has explanatory notes in order to facilitate the reader understand them, at least intellectually, more easily. These explanations are based on the Pañisambhid -magga, the Visuddhi-magga and their corresponding Commentaries, and their references are clearly distinguished. The translation of each knowledge
is repeated in the Notes, in bold, for convenient reading.
Jan 01, 1970
sartre_buddhism.pdfSartre's Existentialism and Early Buddhism : a comparative study of selflessness theories1970 viewsVen. Phra Dharmakosajarn

The Present work is a revised version of Phra Dhrammakosajarn's doctoral thesis entitled A Comparative study of the Non-egological Treatments of Consciousness in Sartre's Philosophy and Early Buddhism, which was submitted at the University of Delhi, India, in September 1985. The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast Sartre's doctrine of non-egology with the theory of self-lessness (anatta) in Early (Theravada) Buddhism.
Jan 01, 1970
06_seeing_&_understanding.pdf06 Dependent Arising: Applying to Insight Meditation2822 viewsApplying Dependent Arising to Insight meditation.Jan 01, 1970
05_cetana.pdf05 Dependent Arising - Cetana2873 viewsPatrick Kearney

How consciousness emerges into delusion - or liberation
Jan 01, 1970
37 files on 4 page(s) 2

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