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Image search results - " Feelings"
08_Paying-attention-feelings.mp3(8) Paying Attention to Feelings2746 viewsThe Buddha said: "All things converge in Feelings", so paying attention to feelings, whether they are pleasant, unpleasant or indifferent is the is the primary focus in Vipassana meditation.
File08_(AM)_Contemplating_feeling.mp3Contemplatingt Feeling1037 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)

This morning we move onto the third satipatthana, that of vedana, usually translated “feeling.” We explore what we mean by feeling, and try to come to an understanding of what the Buddha means by “vedana.” Vedana can be seen as the affective aspect of experience, the capacity of any given experience to move us in some way — to provoke a response. For the Buddha, feeling and response are inextricably linked. To understand what we do, we must understand what — and how — we feel.
x44.mp3Working with Feelings and Emotions775 viewsIt is difficult for a meditator to make progress in Vipassana meditation until he or she has come to terms with feelings and emotions, as the practice itself, at least in the early stages, can bring up intense and persistent feelings and their associated emotions. So this talk deals with how to work with your feelings and emotions in meditation.
3 files on 1 page(s)

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