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Image search results - "Loving-kindness Meditation"
03_Metta_Meditation.mp33. Metta Meditation- Loving-kindness1030 viewsSharing of the Merits with the Devas; Transferring of Merits to All Loved Ones; Making Aspirations; Closing Invocation.
07loving.mp3Loving-kindness Meditation3477 viewsA guided Loving kindness meditation. With this meditation it is important to accept the ebbs and flows of emotions and not to be discouraged if feelings of loving-kindness do not, at first, arise.
11_Support-loving-kindness.mp3(11) The Support of Loving-Kindness1841 viewsLoving-kindness as a concentration based meditation is used to uplift and sweeten the mind, which compliments the Vipassana practice.
allmetta.pdfLoving-kindness Meditation6379 viewsVen. Sujiva

Loving-kindness Meditation or Metta Bhavana and other Sublime States by Ven. Sujiva is a clear and comprehensive step-by-step explanation of the systematic practice. It is based on the Visuddhimagga or The Path of Purification by Buddhagosha. The texts describe metta as characterised by promoting the aspect of welfare. Amity, goodwill, friendliness and loving-kindness are some words used to describe this mental state. There is no better way to know it than to study it as it occurs in one's own and others' minds. It is a totally unselfish and pure state of mind that brings profit to oneself and others now and hereafter.
hello_with_love.pdfHello - with Love & Other Meditations3325 viewsMaster Visuddhacara

The three most important things in life are love, kindness and wisdom. If we have made these three values the priorities of our life, then our life will have been well-lived. When we die we can only have happiness when we look back and not regrets. Wealth, fame, power, status, worldly success and pleasures - these are insignificant compared to love, kindness and wisdom. Cultivate the latter. If we spend our life cultivating this trio, our birth and life will have been worthwhile; it will not have been in vain. In this booklet, Ven. Visuddhacara shares his understanding of this practice of mindfulness and loving-kindness with a view to encourage all of us to walk the path.
huxter_loving_kindness.mp3Loving-kindness Meditation1045 viewsA guided Loving kindness meditation. With this meditation it is important to accept the ebbs and flows of emotions and not to be discouraged if feelings of loving-kindness do not, at first, arise.
jotleeds.pdfSnow in the Summer3264 viewsThis book is a compilation of extracts from letters written by Sayadaw U Jotika, a Burmese Buddhist monk, to his Western students ten to fifteen years ago. These letters have been collated under the topics indicated by these chapter headings: Mind, Mindfulness and Meditation; Solitude; Parental Love and Guidance; Life, Living and Death; Learning and Teaching; Value and Philosophy; Friendship, Relationships and Loving-kindness.
Loving-kIndness_Meditation.mp3Loving-kindness Meditation1364 viewsLoving-kindness Meditation, Metta Bhavana
scrn_metta.pdfMetta Bhavana; Loving-kindness; Meditation3691 viewsVen. Dhammarakkhita

This is short explanation on how to practise Metta Bhavana or Loving-kindness Meditation given as a three-day weekend retreat at Dhammodaya Meditation Centre in Nakhon Pathom in Thailand, by an Australian monk, Ven. Dhammarakkhita (Jeff Oliver).
seeding.pdfSeeding the Heart3116 viewsGregory Kramer

Loving-kindness Meditation with Children. The practice of loving-kindness, or metta, can be done in one of two ways: either in intensive prolonged meditation to develop deep states of concentration, or in daily life at any time one meets with people and animals or thinks about them. To learn about the radiating of metta to all beings with children, we have to tap into the store of knowledge accumulated by lay people and parents. It must be knowledge which has grown out of years of living and loving with children and young adults. Gregory Kramer, father of three boys, shows us here with what subtle but precise adjustments in the standard practice of loving-kindness he was able to anchor it in the lives of his children.
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