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artliv12.pdfThe Art of Living17183 viewsThe Art of Living with Ven. Master Chin Kung, a Master of the Pure Land School of Buddhism. The Art of Living has chapters on: The Education of Buddha Shakyamuni, our Original Teacher; The Four Kinds of Buddhism Today; How Homemakers Can Cultivate the Bodhisattva Way in Daily Life, and an excellent Question and Answer section. Included is a glossary and a contact list of Ven. Master Chin Kung's teaching centres around the world.

buddasa.pdfHandbook For Mankind16695 viewsAs a guide for newcomers to the Buddha Dhamma (the Truth which the Buddha awakened to and subsequently taught), this book is an invaluable guide. In it are contained the essential teachings of Buddhism. The Handbook is especially useful for those who approach the Buddha's teaching not as a subject for scholarly study but as a means to understand and ennoble their lives. It includes chapters on 'Looking at Buddhism' and the 'True Nature of Things'.

animagnt.pdfAnimal Magnetism15531 viewsThis booklet is a good reminder to us, so that we always strive in the right direction. Practice is the only way. Even though faith and devotion to one's teacher can be a positive thing, we must always remember that an excessive faith is accompanied by corresponding deficiency of wisdom.

bd_students.pdfBuddha Dhamma for University Students8112 viewsThis book is the results of two talks given by Ajahn Buddhadasa in January 1966 to students at Thammasat University, Bangkok. Ajahn Buddhadasa always has tried to set both young and old straight as to what Buddhism really teaches. He goes back to the original principles pointed out by the Buddha, explaining these simply and directly, and showing that their relevance is timeless.

lifebuddha.pdfThe Buddha, His Life and Teachings6004 viewsThe author, Venerable Mahathera Piyadassi is one of the world's most eminent Buddhist monks, a highly revered teacher of great renown, a indefatigable worker for the Buddha Dhamma. The ages roll by and the Buddha seems not so far away after all; his voice whispers in our ears and tells us not to run away from the struggle but, calm-eyed, to face it, and to see in life ever greater opportunities for growth and advancement.

dmind-wmind.pdfDharma Mind, Worldly Mind4769 viewsThe first part of the book tells us what we need to put in place for complete Dharma practice - the Eightfold Path, going for refuge, and the Bodhisattva spirit. In the second half the book shows us how to turn those requisites into a genuine living practice that embraces the whole of our life thus surely leading to the profound transformation that we all desire.

ritepath.pdfThe Eightfold Path for the Householder4531 viewsThese teachings are aimed at the householder. Each part of the Eightfold Path is explained in a separate chapter. The tone of the teaching is contemporary and non-technical. The universality and relevance of the Buddha's teaching are illustrated by numerous quotations from more recent luminaries. There are also some useful exercises which enable the reader to experience the truth of these teachings.

undrstnd.pdfTo Understand Buddhism3916 viewsThe teachings of Master Chin Kung are based on true sincerity towards others; purity of mind; equality in everything we see; proper understanding of ourselves and our environment; compassion by helping others in a wise and unconditional way. See through to the truth of impermanence; let go of all wandering thoughts and attachments; accord with conditions to go along with the environment. Be mindful of Amitabha Buddha - wishing to reach the Pure Land and follow His Teachings.

mindread.pdfReading the Mind3618 viewsKhun Kee Nanayonestablished a Dhamma centre, Khao-Suan-Luang in 1945. Upasika Kee attracted Dhamma students, and residents came to include both female lay devotees and white-robed nuns. These Dhamma talks were mainly given to the women who stayed at her centre to practice meditation. After listening with calm and centred mind, they would all sit in meditation together.

womtowom.pdfFrom Womb to Womb3600 viewsMetamorphosis of a Mother. For twenty-five years Francis Story lived in Asian countries, where he deeply studied the Buddha's philosophy of life. His research into the teachings on rebirth started while in Myanmar (Burma) and was later continued with careful investigation of spontaneous rebirth recollections. This book includes 'A Reading Guide to Death and Rebirth', by Ven. Bodhisara which offers an overview on some topics of death and rebirth: near death experiences, past life experiences, dying and caring for the dying, etc.