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WhoSaw.pdfThe One-Who-Saw2941 viewsThere once was a happy land where the inhabitants lived a happy and harmonious life. They were kind to one another and their ways were simple. Their wants were few... An illustrated Buddhist story about the One Who Saw combines Buddhist themes into a children's book. [42 pages]
UpSideDown.pdfAn Upside Down World2831 viewsFind out how the sad upside down world of four unhappy wanderers go the right side up again in this wonderful illustrated story book. Suitable for younger children, it includes some fun activities to do as you read along. This book has both colour and black & white Illustrations. [30 pages]
WhoBossEng.pdfWho's the Boss2664 viewsWho do you think the boss of the Body is? Well the heart thinks HE is. But is he? The other organs certainly don't agree. Find out how each one of them tried to convince the others, and you, why they are the boss. [36 pages]
13 files on 2 page(s) 2

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