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Buddhist eLibrary Feature: Buddhist Studies
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mindread.pdfReading the Mind3458 viewsKhun Kee Nanayonestablished a Dhamma centre, Khao-Suan-Luang in 1945. Upasika Kee attracted Dhamma students, and residents came to include both female lay devotees and white-robed nuns. These Dhamma talks were mainly given to the women who stayed at her centre to practice meditation. After listening with calm and centred mind, they would all sit in meditation together.
Things_as_They_Are.pdfThings As They Are3458 viewsIn order to be principled and methodical in your training, keep your awareness constantly with the body. Keep mindfulness focused there and use wisdom to investigate within the sphere of the body. The more you investigate the body until you understand it clearly, the more sharply you will understand the affairs of feelings, memory, thought-formations, and consciousness, because all these things are whetstones for sharpening wisdom step by step. It's the same as when we bail water out of a fish pond: the more water we bail out, the more clearly we'll see the fish. Or as when clearing a forest: the more vegetation we cut away, the more space we'll see. When you use wisdom to contemplate in this way, the currents of the heart will become plain...
paliwordday.pdfA Pali Word A Day3453 viewsA selection of Pali words for daily reflection. This booklet aims to assist new Buddhist students who are unfamiliar with some of the Pali words often used in the study of Buddhism. As the title suggests, it encourages the learning and use of Pali words by learning one word a day. This booklet can serve both as a dictionary and a glossary of terms for your reference.
a_taste_of_salt(2).pdfA Taste of Salt3446 viewsThe Sutta Pitaka was written down in the Pali language over 2,000 years ago. The Sutta Pitaka is made of five collections of suttas; the Digha Nikaya, the Majjima Nikaya, the Samyutta Nikaya, the Anguttara Nikaya, and the Khuddaka Nikaya. These texts remain the most complete record of early Buddhist teachings. The suttas fill thousands of pages, and it is a daunting task for most readers to read through the many volumes. A Taste of Salt draws 350 pages containing the central teachings of the Buddha from the roughly 5,000 pages of the Sutta Pitaka. The purpose of this collection is to make these essential texts more accessible to meditators and students of Buddhism.
thai-buddha_04.jpg04 Thai Buddha Image3413 views04 Thai Buddha Image
ancientsgrfx.pdfPopular Deities of Chinese Buddhism3409 viewsThis elementary book on Chinese Buddhism and its more popularly worshipped Deities, has been written for the benefit of Buddhists amongst the Chinese community. Apart from giving a general outline of Buddhism and its entry into China, I have also attempted to provide brief accounts on the important doctrines that the Buddha has taught, prayers that one may recite to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, how to become a Buddhist, and a number of interesting articles that are related to Chinese Buddhism - Kuan Ming.
screenrahula.pdfRahula Leads the Way3405 viewsThe Adventures of Leo: a delightful Buddhist story that describes the adventures the little boy Leo has when he meets the young monk Rahula. Thanks to Rahula's monk's training and good sense, Leo learns how to be the best little boy possible.
05_Track_5.mp3OH! SUFFERING WORLD3394 viewsOh! Suffering world.
You shall not come back again.
Oh! Suffering World,
When you’ve stifled desire’s flame.
Then there’ll be no tears of sorrow
In your eyes, my friend,
You’ll know the bliss of one
Who enters freedom land;
Oh! Suffering World,
You shall not come back again.
futurebuddhism.pdfBuddhism for the Future3368 viewsSome of the topics Dr K. Sri Dhammananda addresses here are: Buddhism as a Force Against War; Unity in Buddhist Schools of Thought; Ecumenism, Role of the Sangha, The Bhikkhuni Order, Proselytization, Buddhist Values, The Third Millennium, The Lay Person, Social Concerns.
geth0401.pdfCan Killing a Living Being Ever Be an Act of Compassion?3344 viewsThe analysis of the act of killing in the Abhidhamma & Pali Commentaries.

Abstract: In the Theravadin exegetical tradition, the notion that intentionally killing a living being is wrong involves a claim that when certain mental states (such as compassion) are present in the mind, it is simply impossible that one could act in certain ways (such as to intentionally kill). Contrary to what Keown has claimed, the only criterion for judging whether an act is “moral” (kusala) or “immoral” (akusala) in Indian systematic Buddhist thought is the quality of the intention that motivates it. The idea that killing a living being might be a solution to the problem of suffering runs counter to the Buddhist emphasis on dukkha as a reality that must be understood. The cultivation of friendliness in the face of suffering is seen as something that can bring beneficial effects for self and others in a situation where it might seem that compassion should lead one to kill.
1212 files on 122 page(s) 21

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