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Buddhist eLibrary Feature: Buddhist Studies
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dietolive.pdfDying to Live2467 viewsThere are different views and beliefs about what happens after death. Tibetan (Vajrayana) and Chinese (Mahayana) Buddhists believe that after death, the spirit of the dead person passes through an intermediate period (bardo in Tibetan, zhong yin in Mandarin)- which may last for as long as forty-nine days - during which it undergoes a series of unearthly, extraordinary experiences, including a "small death" at the end of each week, before it is finally reborn into another realm of existence. In contrast, orthodox Theravada Buddhism, which is the earliest extant record of Gotama Buddha's teaching, asserts that rebirth takes place immediately after death.
ctp_book-2up_v1.pdfClearing the Path2465 viewsNOTE: The primary book version was made for printing as a book so it was not optimised for onscreen viewing or personal printout. This version 2upbookctpv1.PDF has been reprinted (Distilled) via Acrobat so that there are now 2 pages per A4 page in Landscape orientation (rather than usual Portrait orientation) so as to make personal printouts for reading much easier. The same effect could be obtained by using the original CtPbookv1.pdf and printing that via your desktop printer driver so as to have 2 pages per page (if possible).
virtue.pdfVirtue and Reality2459 viewsThe teachings of the Buddha can be divided into two categories - extensive method and profound wisdom. In this series of talks, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, spiritual director of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), offers a practical explanation of these two paths. As presented here, method is the loving, compassionate Bodhicitta and wisdom is the realisation of ultimate reality, the right view of emptiness. Through practicing method, we attain the holy body of a Buddha; through developing wisdom we attain the enlightened mind. Recognizing the workaday world reality in which most of his students live, Rinpoche shows us how to think and act so that every moment of our lives will be of maximum benefit to both others and ourselves.
10_tara.jpgThe 21 Taras (10)2456 viewsThe 21 Taras [Tibetan style] (Tibetan, Sgrol-ma)

It was not until the adoption of the Yogachara system, taught by Asanga in the fourth century AD, that the feminine principle began to be venerated in Mahayana Buddhism. Around the sixth century, the goddess Tara was considered as a Sakti of Avalokitesvara (sometimes as his wife).
08_tara.jpgThe 21 Taras (08)2454 viewsThe 21 Taras [Tibetan style] (Tibetan, Sgrol-ma)

It was not until the adoption of the Yogachara system, taught by Asanga in the fourth century AD, that the feminine principle began to be venerated in Mahayana Buddhism. Around the sixth century, the goddess Tara was considered as a Sakti of Avalokitesvara (sometimes as his wife).
buddha_life_22.jpgOn Alms Round in Kapilavastu2445 viewsOn Alms Round in Kapilavastu
buddha_life_23.jpgThe Buddha's Father was cremated2443 viewsThe Buddha's Father was cremated
Bhutan0016.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (07) 2430 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them.
milinda.pdfThe Debate of King Milinda (The Milanda Panna)2423 viewsThe Milanda Panna is a famous work of Buddhist literature, probably compiled in the 1st century B.C. It presents Buddhist doctrine in a very attractive and memorable form as a dialogue between a Bactrian Greek king, Milinda, who plays the 'Devil's Advocate' and a Buddhist sage, Nagasena. The topics covered include most of the questions commonly asked by Westerners. This abridgement provides a concise presentation of this masterpiece of Buddhist literature.
scrndhamma.pdfThe Dhammapada, by Acharya Buddharakkhita2412 viewsVen. Acharya Buddharakkita

Translated from the Pali by Acharya Buddharakkhita and with an introduction by Bhikkhu Bodhi. The Dhammapada is the best known and most widely esteemed text in the Pali Tipitaka, the sacred scriptures of Theravada Buddhism. The work is included in the Khuddaka Nikaya (Minor Collection) of the Sutta Pitaka, but its popularity has raised it far above the single niche it occupies in the scriptures to the ranks of a world religious classic. Composed in the ancient Pali language, this slim anthology of verses constitutes a perfect compendium of the Buddha's teaching, comprising between its covers all the essential principles elaborated at length in the forty-odd volumes of the Pali Canon.
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