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tipitaka.pdfGuide to Tipitaka2347 viewsU KO Lay

The Guide to the Tipitaka is an outline of the Pali Buddhist Canonical Scriptures of Theravada Buddhism from Burma. This is a unique work, as it is probably the only material that deals in outline with the whole of the Pali Buddhist Tipitaka. The Tipitaka includes all the teachings of the Buddha, grouped into three divisions: the Soutane Patch, or general discourses; the Vane Patch, or moral code for monks and nuns; and the Abhidhamma Pitaka, or philosophical teachings. An excellent reference work which gives an overview of the Pali Buddhist texts.
Nothing-is-more-joyless.pdf“Nothing is more joyless than selfishness”2346 viewsThese teachings were originally talks given byduring his stay at Wat Pah Nanachat, the International Forest Monastery in the North-East of Thailand, in May 1989. The talks were usually given during the evening meetings, when the Sangha would come together for chanting, meditation and listening to the Dhamma.
02_the_oral_tradition.pdfThe Oral Tradition2343 views
Lists, lists of lists, and lists within lists. Creativity, meditation and the list. Examining some suttas which illustrates the performance and networking aspect of the Suttas: Samanas and brahmanas and the Mahahatthipadopama Sutta: Large Discourse on the Elephant's Footprint (M28)
thai-buddha_03.jpg03 Thai Buddha Image2343 views03 Thai Buddha Image
Sallekha_Sutta_48_XLVIII_Mahasi_Sayadaw_p343-351.mp3Sallekha Sutta - A Discourse on the Refinement of Character2340 views48. Erroneous Views in Modern Times

Sallekha Sutta by Mahasi Sayadaw,
Translated by U Aye Maung (read by Ven. Rakkhita)
advice.pdfAdvice for Monks and Nuns2334 viewsThe continued existence of the Buddha Dharma depends upon the continued existence of the Sangha - the community of ordained practitioners, monks and nuns - one of the three Buddhist Refuges. In these talks, Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche explain the great benefits of practicing Dharma as an ordained person, how to keep the ordination pure, the purpose of the monastic community, how to live together as monks and nuns, and much more. The necessity for the lay community to support the Sangha is also made clear, and not only monks and nuns but lay practitioners, too, will gain much by reading this book.
M01_Jhana1.mp3Jhana (Part 1)2325 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Jhana (Part 1) 42 mins.
01lotus-bud1.jpgLotus bud 012323 viewsLotus bud 01
BT04A.MP3Lecture 4. (a) Dependent Arising2320 viewsThe lectures explain the Dhamma from the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest continuous Buddhist school, whose scriptures, the Pali canon, give the most accurate picture of what the historical Buddha himself actually taught. The lectures are intended to be basic enough to be of value to beginners without previous study of the Dhamma, and deep and through enough to be of interest to long-term students seeking to extend and clarify their understanding.
Ksitigarbha06.jpgKsitigarbha Bodhisattva062313 viewsKsitigarbha Bodhisattva or in Chinese: Ti Tsang P'usa

Ti Tsang P'usa is an extremely popular Bodhisattva among the Chinese and Japanese Buddhists.
1212 files on 122 page(s) 37

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