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Buddhist eLibrary Feature: Buddhist Studies
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lohan02.jpgLohan: Bharadvaja KANAKA2284 viewsLegend has it that the first portraits of the 18 Lohans were painted by a Buddhist

monk Guan Xiu, in 891 A.D. Guan Xiu lived in Chengdu, the capital of a small

kingdom, the Former Shu, formed at the decline of the Tang Dynasty in what is

today's Sichuan Province. He was adept at the scholarly pursuits of painting,

calligraphy and poetry.
10_At-six-sense-doors.mp3(10) At the Six-Sense Doors2280 viewsThis is an orientation to Sense Doors or sense spheres: i.e. the five senses as well as the mind itself.
bl109.pdfPositive Response - How to Meet Evil With Good2277 viewsThis booklet contains a collection of short suttas spoken by the Buddha and a passage from the Visuddhimagga, each preceded by a brief introduction by the translator. The unifying theme of these pieces may be called a positive response in dealing with provocative people and situations. The texts set forth practical techniques taught by the Buddha for overcoming resentment, hatred and other such pollutants, and for cultivating such elevating mental qualities as good will, amity and compassion. For anyone intent on spiritual development these practical instructions will help to cleanse the mind and to unfold its great hidden potentials.
06_Minds-latent-tendencies.mp3(6) The Mind's Latent Tendencies2272 viewsHere we are dealing with the mind's unwholesome predispositions and how to work with them from the point of view of meditation practices, epsecially Vipassana meditation.
lama_tsongkapa01.jpgLama Tsongkapa 012264 viewsLama Tsongkapa 01
buddhinthai.pdfBuddhism in Thailand2261 viewsThis work presents facts and figures about the current condition of Buddhism in Thailand, historical background sketches of the establishment and growth of the Buddhist community in Thailand and information on Buddhist education in Thailand. (9-10 December, 2002).
06_satipatthana_sutta_02.pdf02 Satipatthana Sutta2261 viewsDuring this course we have looked at how different interpretative communities read the Nikayas. Among these are contemporary communities formed by the experience of modernity, practitioners who are attempting to apply the teachings found in the Nikayas to their daily lives in the contemporary world. Locating ourselves within such a community, we can see that our reading is a form of practitioner criticism. We have sought to make sense of this alien literature firstly by acknowledging that it is not a literature at all, but a collection of oral performances. We have examined how these performances are both made up of and linked by patterns of repetition lists of lists within lists. The lists function like tables in individual databases, and the teaching as a whole - the dhamma - functions as a relational database which exists, not within any given sutta, but as a network of relationships which underlies and unites all the suttas.
thai-buddha_08.jpg08 Thai Buddha Image2261 views08 Thai Buddha Image
07Support_of_Loving-kindness.pdfSupport of Loving-kindness Meditation2260 viewsAfter the meditator is established in the basics of Vipassana meditation, Loving-kindness meditation can be used to support the more challenging Vipassana practice. While this is switching meditation modes to a concentration-based practice, its benefit is that it uplifts and sweetens the mind and helps meditators to cope with negative emotions that they may not yet be able to deal with in their Vipassana practice.
buddha_life_27.jpgVen. Moggalana was Injured2259 viewsVen. Moggalana was Injured
1212 files on 122 page(s) 39

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