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01_Vesak_Track.mp31. Hail Glorious Day1278 viewsThe full moon day of Vesak month - the holiest day in the Buddhist calendar commemorates the birth, enlightenment and passing away of the historical Gautama Buddha. These songs depict the joy of worshippers in act of worship besides recalling the glorious events that took place during the three important events of the Buddha's life.
04_Rebirth_and_Conception.mp33. The Nature of Kamma & Rebirth1276 viewsWhat is Kamma? Why are there inequalities of mankind? Is everything due to Kamma? Can Kamma be changed? Is the Buddhist doctrine of Rebirth a mere theory or an evidentially based verifiable fact? What is the cause of rebirth? How does rebirth take place on the Buddha’s teaching of no-soul?
thai_cambodian_art.pdfThai-Cambodian Culture - Relationship through Arts1276 viewsThailand and Cambodia are very close neighbours with common borders and cultural relations. The Thai people received and adopted some arts and culture from ancient Cambodia. The pre-Thai scripts and spoken words were adopted from Khmer native language. The development of Cambodian arts can be seen in the Thai art of the Lopburi period (11th to 15th century A.D.) It was occupied by the Khmers and as such the art of this period is known locally as Khmer art which deals with Mahayana elements.
DP_5_Daily_Reflections.pdfThe Five Subjects for Daily Recollection1272 viewsThere are other recollections which one can make and which help one to appreciate the state of a human being. People tend to hide away from decay, disease and death while greatly attached to sentient beings and insentient objects. Some people try also to ignore moral responsibility for their actions. These recollections bring all these subjects out into the light and make us face them squarely. Therefore, the Buddha has said that they should be recollected by everyone daily.
IMG0037.jpgNyanaponika Maha Thera Forest Hermitage 1991 Kandy, Sri Lanka1270 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community
Sallekha_Sutta_01_I_Mahasi_Sayadaw_Contents.mp3Sallekha Sutta - A Discourse on the Refinement of Character1269 views1. The Contents . . .

This is a series of talks which the late Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw gave on the Sallekha Sutta. It is an elaboration of an important teaching of the Buddha in the Majjhima nikaya. In his introduction to the sutta the Ven. Sayadaw says: "The self-training leading to the goal forms the subject of the Sallekha sutta. The sutta is beneficial to meditators and non-meditators alike; it is helpful to all those who wish to overcome immoral desires and cultivate good and wholesome desires.
Episode_10.flvBhuriddata Jataka: Episode 10 Series 11267 viewsJataka Buddhist Tale: History of the Naga Prince name Bhuridatta.
(Thai audio, with English and Chinese subtitles)
02_What_Is_Kamma_pt2.mp32. What is Kamma? (Part 2)1267 viewsWhat is Kamma? Why are there inequalities of mankind? Is everything due to Kamma? Can Kamma be changed? Is the Buddhist doctrine of Rebirth a mere theory or an evidentially based verifiable fact? What is the cause of rebirth? How does rebirth take place on the Buddha’s teaching of no-soul?
BT09A.MP3Lecture 9. (a) The Social Dimensions of the Buddha's Teachings1261 viewsThe lectures explain the Dhamma from the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest continuous Buddhist school, whose scriptures, the Pali canon, give the most accurate picture of what the historical Buddha himself actually taught. The lectures are intended to be basic enough to be of value to beginners without previous study of the Dhamma, and deep and through enough to be of interest to long-term students seeking to extend and clarify their understanding.
10_Significance-Lotus_Flower-Dhammacakka_In_Buddhism.mp3The Significance of the Lotus Flower and Dhammacakka in Buddhism1258 views
1212 files on 122 page(s) 77

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