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heart_five.mp3The "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Five)1041 viewsThe "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Five)
4_chanting.mp3Recollection of the Dhamma1040 viewsRecollection of the Dhamma. The Buddhist Society of Western Australia - Chanting Book.
16-chant-16.mp316. Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting1040 views16. Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting
M12_PurificationofMind2.mp3Purification of Mind (Part 2)1038 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Purification of Mind (Part 2)
(25 mins)
heart_four.mp3The "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Four)1034 viewsThe "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Four)
File08_(AM)_Contemplating_feeling.mp3Contemplatingt Feeling1034 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)

This morning we move onto the third satipatthana, that of vedana, usually translated “feeling.” We explore what we mean by feeling, and try to come to an understanding of what the Buddha means by “vedana.” Vedana can be seen as the affective aspect of experience, the capacity of any given experience to move us in some way — to provoke a response. For the Buddha, feeling and response are inextricably linked. To understand what we do, we must understand what — and how — we feel.
heart_five.mp3The "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Five)1033 viewsThe "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part Five)
File07_On_truth_and_Kondannas_awakening.mp3On Truth and Kondannas Awakening1032 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)

We continue with Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (Turning the dharma wheel), completing our examination of the four truths by looking at the Buddha's conception of truth, found in Canki Sutta (MN 95). When the Buddha speaks about “truth,” what does he mean? A proposition? Something to believe? Or is he speaking of something else?
12_body_contemplation.mp3Ajahn Maha Boowa Discourses (12)1031 views12. Body Comtemplation

This audio selection of the discourses of Ajahn Maha Boowa, were translated into English and recorded by Ajahn Suchaat at Wat Pa Bann Taad, Thailand.

These Teachings are free gifts of Dhamma and may not be offered for sale.
noblestrategy.pdfNoble Strategy: Essays of the Buddhist Path1031 viewsThe essays in this book present views on basic elements in the Buddhist path—the attitudes, concepts, and practices that lead to total freedom for the mind. If the views are right, they themselves form a part of the path. Thus, in learning how to make best use of these essays, it’s important to understand how views function in bringing about freedom.
1212 files on 122 page(s) 87

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