Most viewed - Basic Buddhist Teachings |

buddhism_a_laymans_guide_to_life.pdfBuddhism, A Layman's Guide to Life3034 views

good_evil_and_beyond_kamma_in_the_buddha_s_teaching.pdfGood Evil and Beyond: Kamma in the Buddha's teaching2892 views

a_constitution_for_living.pdfA Constitution for Living2890 views

sujivapoems.pdfWind in the Forest2887 viewsThis book is a unique collection of poems, write-ups, illustrations and photos. In Venerable Sujiva's sincere and heartfelt writings, readers may find many touching incidents related by him in his many years of teaching. They will also come to understand him, his compassion and loving-kindness as well as the Dhamma by simply flowing with his pen.

thittila.pdfEssential Themes of Buddhist Lectures2878 viewsThese talks on Buddhism given by this famous Burmese Buddhist master, Venerable Sayadaw U Thittilla in the west over the period 1938-1983. Some of the themes are: 'What is Buddhism', 'Likes and Dislikes', 'A Short History of Buddhism', 'What Kamma Is', 'The Path to Nibbana' and 'The Abhidhamma Philosophy'.

Way-it-is-by-ajahn-sumedho.pdfThe Way It Is 2832 viewsThis book contains a collection of teachings of Ajahn Sumedho given to people who are familiar with the conventions of Theravada Buddhism and have some experience of meditation. Most of the chapters are edited from talks given during retreats for lay people for Ajahn Sumedho's monastic (ordained) disciples, so they require some careful attention and are best read in sequence. In many of these talks Ajahn Sumedho expounds on the uniquely Buddhist expression of 'not-self' (anatta). He maintains this to be the Buddha's way of pointing to the experience of Ultimate Reality that is the goal of many religions. During the monastic retreats Ajahn Sumedho frequently teaches the Dependent Origination paticca-samuppada based on the approach of anatta. The Dependent Origination traces the process whereby suffering (dukkha) is compounded out of ignorance (avijja) and conversely suffering is eliminated (or rather not created) with the cessation of ignorance. Just as anatta -- not-self -- is the expression of Ultimate Truth.

Nothing-is-more-joyless.pdf“Nothing is more joyless than selfishnessâ€2454 viewsThese teachings were originally talks given byduring his stay at Wat Pah Nanachat, the International Forest Monastery in the North-East of Thailand, in May 1989. The talks were usually given during the evening meetings, when the Sangha would come together for chanting, meditation and listening to the Dhamma.

beyond_tolerance_and_pleasure.pdfBeyond Tolerance and Pleasure2288 views

the_pali_canon_what_a_buddhist_must_know~0.pdfThe Pali Canon: What a Buddhist Must Know2272 views

buddhism_and_the_business_world_the_buddhist_way_to_deal_with_business.pdfBuddhism and The Business World: The Buddhist Way to deal with business2231 views