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Most viewed - Vipassana - Insight Meditation
01_sitting_in_stillness.pdf01 Sitting in Stilness10111 viewsPatrick Kearney

Introducing meditation practice, the concepts of serenity and insight, and the cultivation of stillness.
allkunda.pdfDiscourses on Vipassana Meditation10037 viewsSayadaw U Kundala is a renowned meditation master in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition of Burma, noted for his loving-kindness. In these Dhamma talks the stages of the practice and the Insight Knowledges are explained. The method of meditation is given with detailed instruction. There is a detailed explanation of the Contemplation of Feelings, the second foundation of mindfulness, which, in the Theravada tradition, is the key to the Insight Knowledges. Overall, in the Sayadaw's teachings, there is much for the Vipassana or insight meditator to be inspired by.
artofatt.pdfThe Art of Attention8359 viewsThis is a handbook on the art of meditative attention or meditating for insight. It deals with the basics of awareness meditation. There is practical instruction on how to do sitting and walking meditation and how to apply awareness in daily activities based on the Insight Meditation (Vipassana) tradition. The purpose of this handbook is to give the beginner to awareness meditation a guide to the basics of the practice, with the emphasis on its practical application to daily life.
bm7insight.pdfSeven Stages of Purification and Insight Knowledges7651 viewsThe seven stages of purification provide the framework for the practising disciple?s gradual progress from the cultivation of virtue up to the attainment of the final goal. Integral to the higher stages of purification are the nine types of insight-knowledge, by which the disciple breaks through the delusions covering his mental vision and penetrates through to the real nature of phenomena.
mahasit1.pdfPractical Vipassana Exercises7239 viewsThe late Mahasi Sayadaw was responsible for the modern revival of Vipassana or Insight meditation in Myanmar (Burma). This text is his basic instruction on the practice: the preparatory stages with a series of basic exercises. Part two, deals with the deals with the progressive practice and the practical vipassana exercises. The appendix explains the techniques involved in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition.
essentials.pdfEssentials of Insight Meditation Practice6672 viewsThe ultimate aim of insight meditation is to free one from the unsatisfactoriness of cyclic existence. Readers may also find numerous quotations of the Buddha's teaching on mindfulness, detachment and liberation throughout the entire book. Those verses act as a source of inspiration and purpose to put vipassana into practice - a practice that brings about insight into the three universal characteristics of unsatisfactoriness, impermanence and non-self which leads one into detachment and ultimate liberation.
01Practicing_Vipassana.pdfPracticing Vipassana Meditation5335 viewsMany people all over the world are now practicing the Buddhist meditation known as Vipassana or Insight Meditation. Western psychotherapies have taken it up as ‘mindfulness’ as well as ordinary people who have found it beneficial in coping with the stresses and strains of modern life. While many are increasingly taking time out to attend retreats in Vipassana meditation centres. So this series of text will take you the basic practice.
06_the_mahasi_method.pdf06 Introducing the Mahasi Method5312 viewsPatrick Kearney

This is an introduction to the method of insight meditation developed by Mahasi Sayadaw of Myanmar which sums up our introduction to serenity and insight by examining a particular approach to insight meditation.
02_contemplating_movement.pdf02 Contemplating Movement5204 viewsPatrick Kearney

Contemplating movement. Here we explore the nature of distraction and its relationship to the fact of change. This brings us to insight meditation, and incorporating movement into the practice. We begin walking meditation, and introduce the standing posture.
gawarens.pdfA Guide to Awareness5107 viewsThe Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta). This is a series of twenty-two talks given at Wat Bovornives, Bangkok by H.H.Somdet Phra Sanasamvara, Supreme Patriarch of Thailand. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness is the Buddha's explanation of the practice of mindfulness meditation within the framework of four foundations of awareness: body, feelings, mind-states and the mental content. If you read this book, you will discover the truth of the 'knots' and problems that exist within you. In short, this can be described as the 'knot of suffering'. You may also then see the method to unravel and safeguard against this suffering.
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