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livngmed.pdfLiving Meditation, Living Insight4891 viewsI wrote this book to encourage practitioners learning to meditate in daily life. In this sense, the articles are presented as a hands-on or, more accurately, a minds-on training manual. Although I discuss meditation in general, the real focus is on how the Dhamma brings us into spontaneous, wholesome and creative living. My objective in presenting the articles is to help the aspirant build up a solid foundation of mindfulness as a way of life rather than as a practice separated from daily living - Dr. Thynn Thynn.

03_seeing_the_elements.pdf03 Perceiving Impermanence4802 viewsPatrick Kearney
Perceiving impermanence. Discusses the centrality of the concept of impermanence (aniccata) to the Buddha's approach to insight, and explore the elements of earth, water, fire and air.

5_Hindrances_02ed_28Buddhanet29.pdfMahaSatipatthana Sutta:Establishment of Mindfulness on 5 Hindrances4523 viewsIn this book, Bro James explained how to establish mindfulness on these 5 Hindrances and why it is important to do so. Written as if spoken in simple Malaysian English, he continued to draw upon his personal experience to explain and supplement the exposition of the Discourse. Connecting the dots between Text and life, he illustrates it with modern day scenarios enabling us to see how the practice is applied – in both formal practice and daily life today.

04_cultivating_love.pdf04 Cultivating the Sublime States4480 viewsPatrick Kearney
Cultivating the sublime states of love, compassion, joy and equanimity. This is an example of a serenity practice which also has implications for insight.

05_watching_the_mind-stream.pdf05 Contemplating the Thought Stream4480 viewsPatrick Kearney
Contemplating the thought stream. This week we learn to use the thoughts flowing through the mind as a meditation object, and so redefine our relationship to distraction.

powermindfulness.pdfThe Power of Mindfulness4467 viewsIn the case of mindfulness, it required a genius like the Buddha to discover the hidden talent in the modest garb, and to develop the vast inherent power of that potent seed. It is, indeed, the mark of a genius to perceive and to harness the power of the seemingly small. Here, truly, it happens that, what is little becomes much. A revaluation of values takes place. The standards of greatness and smallness change. Through the master mind of the Buddha, mindfulness is finally revealed as the point where the vast revolving mass of world suffering is levered out of its twofold anchorage in ignorance and craving.

03Basic_Instructions.pdfBasic Instructions for Vipassana Meditation 4293 viewsFrom the beginning and throughout the practice sessions the strategies and fundamentals of Vipassana meditation will be given so that you become well established in the essentials of the techniques involved. Then it is important that the meditator understands the practice in its context. So a frame of reference is necessary, in the form of a framework to the practice as given by the Buddha in his teaching in the Satipatthana Sutta or the discourse on The Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

path-free.pdfOn The Path To Freedom4221 viewsOn The Path to Freedom - a mind of wise discernment and openness - by Burmese Meditation Master, Sayadaw U Pandita. This is a compilation of Dhamma discourses to foreign meditators at the Mahasi Meditation Centre, Rangoon, Myanmar, who came to practise under him in Yangon (formerly Rangoon) between August 1986 to March 1987. Translated from Myanmar by the late Mya Thaung.

medwshop.pdfInsight Meditation Workshop Online4026 viewsMeditation is the intelligent heart of the Buddha's way; the only criterion is that you should apply it to daily life. The purpose of this meditation course is not to create a system of beliefs, but rather to give guidance on how to see clearly into the nature of the mind. In this way, you can have firsthand understanding of the way things are, without reliance on opinions or theories - a direct experience, which has its own vitality. This course has been prepared with both beginners and experienced practitioners in mind.

frames_ref.pdfFrames of Reference3992 viewsThis book on the frames of reference is based to some extent on my own thoughts and opinions. In some spots it may not be directly in line with the original text (Satipatthana Sutta), because my primary aim has been to get to the heart of the matter, so that it can be conveniently put into practice. The eBook also includes a section on the Duties of the Sangha, that is, the laws and regulations and disciplinary standards (Vinaya).
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