Top rated - Difficulties Facing Meditators - Ven. Pannyavaro. |

x66.mp3Integrating Mindfulness into Daily Life973 viewsA basic skill in Vipassana meditation is to acquire the ability to give full and sustained attention or mindfulness to what you are doing as you are doing it; yet we rarely, if ever, give anything our full attention, at best it is just partial attention. While most practitioners can establish mindfulness in the supportive conditions of a retreat the challenge then is to integrate mindfulness into daily life.     (2 votes)

x11.mp3Difficulties Facing Meditators - and How To Work With Them1038 viewsWhile they can be challenging, the problems and difficulties that one comes across in meditation practice can work to one’s advantage, as they are 'workable'. As in life, what we experience as difficulties in meditation can be the cause of growth in the Dharma. This series of talks offers practical advice on how to work with common difficulties face by meditators.     (1 votes)