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Wings_of_Awakening.pdfThe Wings to Awakening - An Anthology from the Pali Canon1849 viewsMany anthologies of the Buddha's teachings have appeared in English, but this is the first to be organized around the set of teachings that the Buddha himself said formed the heart of his message: the Wings to Awakening. The material is arranged in three parts, preceded by a long Introduction. The Introduction tries to define the concept of Awakening so as to give a clear sense of where the Wings to Awakening are headed. It does this by discussing the Buddha's accounts of his own Awakening, with special focus on the way in which the principle of skilful kamma formed both the “how" and the \what" of that Awakening: The Buddha was able to reach Awakening only by developing skilful kamma this is the “how"; his understanding of the process of developing skilful kamma is what sparked the insights that constituted Awakening - this is the “what."     (1 votes)

FromGrasping.pdfFrom Grasping to Emptiness (2)2075 viewsExcursions into the Thought-world of the Pali Discourses
The present book is based on revised versions of entries originally published in the Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, Sri Lanka. It forms the second volume of my "Excursions into the Thought-world of the Pali discourses", complementing the previously published "From Craving to Liberation".      (2 votes)

FromCraving.pdfFrom Craving to Liberation (1)2269 viewsExcursions into the Thought-world of the Pali Discourses
The essays collected in the present book are revised versions of entries originally published in the Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, Sri Lanka. My main emphasis in each case is on exploring a particular term from the perspective of the early Pali discourses, while other sources − be these later Pali works, Chinese parallels, or secondary publications on the matter at hand − are taken into consideration only in a supplementary fashion.     (2 votes)

Ratana_Sutta-The_Three_Superb_Jewels.pdfRatana Sutta2050 viewsThe Buddha’s Discourse on The Three Superb Jewels and their intrinsic power, with an introduction, translation and explanations based on Pà li Sources by Bhikkhu Nà nadassana. Foreword by Most Ven. N. Ariyadhamma Mahà thera.
FREE HARD COPIES: For free and postage-free hard copies please email to:     (5 votes)

allexistence.pdfThe 31 Planes of Existence4036 viewsThe suttas describe the 31 distinct planes or realms of existence into which beings can be reborn during their long wanderings through samsara. These range from the extraordinarily dark, grim, and painful hell realms all the way up to the most sublime, refined and exquisitely blissful heavenly realms. Existence in every realm is impermanent; in the cosmology taught by the Buddha there is no eternal heaven or hell. Beings are born into a particular realm according to both their past kamma.
     (10 votes)

wheel188.pdfIdeal Solitude - An Exposition of the Bhaddekaratta Sutta1407 viewsThe Bhaddekaratta Sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya (No. 131) consists of a “summary†in four verses and an “exposition†dealing with some doctrinal points of considerable psychological and ethical import.      (1 votes)

wheel048.pdfThe Discourse on the Snake Simile (Alagaddúpama Sutta)1370 viewsThe discourse of the Buddha on the Snake Simile (Alagaddúpama Sutta) that is presented here, together with explanatory notes taken mostly from the commentarial literature, is the 22nd text in the “Collection of Discourses of Medium Length†(Majjhima Nikáya).     (1 votes)

upanisasutta.pdfTranscendental Dependent Arising - Translation & Exposition of the Upanisa Sutta1464 viewsTucked away in the Samyutta Nikaya among the “connected sayings on causality†(Nidanasamyutta) is a short formalized text entitled the Upanisa Sutta, the “Discourse on Supporting Conditions.†The Upanisa sutta reveals the entire course of man’s faring in the world as well as his treading of the path to its transcendence. This exposition sets out to explore the, “transcendental†application of dependent arising, drawing freely from other parts of the Canon and the commentaries to fill out the meaning.     (1 votes)

wh208AnguttaraNikaya2.pdfPart 3. Anguttara Nikaya1596 viewsAn abridged translation of the five-volume Buddhist sutra, from the Pali canon. The original translation was by Nyanaponika Thera, and these 208 selected discourses have been revised and given an introduction by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Bhikkhu Bodhi provides a systematic introduction to the Buddha`s teaching in the Anguttara Nikaya. The translators also provide notes, a glossary, and another introduction placing the Anguttara in the context of the larger Theravada Buddhist Canon. This readable but precise translation will be welcomed by both students of Theravada Buddhism as well as anyone wishing to learn from the Buddha`s teachings.     (1 votes)

wh238AnguttaraNikaya3.pdfPart 2. Anguttara Nikaya1613 viewsAn abridged translation of the five-volume Buddhist sutra, from the Pali canon. The original translation was by Nyanaponika Thera, and these 208 selected discourses have been revised and given an introduction by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Bhikkhu Bodhi provides a systematic introduction to the Buddha`s teaching in the Anguttara Nikaya. The translators also provide notes, a glossary, and another introduction placing the Anguttara in the context of the larger Theravada Buddhist Canon. This readable but precise translation will be welcomed by both students of Theravada Buddhism as well as anyone wishing to learn from the Buddha`s teachings.     (1 votes)
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