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damachak.pdfDhammacakkappavattana Sutta4745 viewsVen. Mahasi Sayadaw

The First Discourse of the Buddha, namely the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, commonly known as the Great Discourse on the Wheel of Dhamma. This is a series of discourses on the Dhammacakka Sutta by the late Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw, a Questioner at the Sixth Buddhist Council in Myanmar, (Burma) 1954. Translated by U Ko Lay.
(6 votes)
04_vibhanga.pdf04 Dependent Arising: Vibhanga3016 viewsLooking at the standard "twelvefold formula" of dependent arising,and the question of life-after-life, or "rebirth.33333
(3 votes)
dhammapada_illustrated.zipTreasury of Truth2217 viewsThis is the Illustrated version of the Dhammapada or Treasury of Truth, compiled by Venerable Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero.33333
(3 votes)
damapada.pdfThe Dhammapada, a Translation3029 viewsVen. Thanissaro, Bhikkhu

The Dhammapada has long been recognized as one of the masterpieces of early Buddhist literature. Only more recently have scholars realized that it is also one of the early masterpieces of the Indian tradition of Kavya, or belles lettres. This translation is an attempt to render the verses into English in a way that does justice to both of the traditions to which the text belongs. Although it is tempting to view these traditions as distinct, dealing with form (Kavya) and content (Buddhism), the ideals of Kavya aimed at combining form and content into a seamless whole.
(7 votes)
73_knowledges.pdfSeventy-Three Kinds of Knowledge2958 viewsVen. Nyanadassana, Bhikkhu

Since these knowledges are, as a Summary, very briefly stated,the present translation has explanatory notes in order to facilitate the reader understand them, at least intellectually, more easily. These explanations are based on the Pañisambhid -magga, the Visuddhi-magga and their corresponding Commentaries, and their references are clearly distinguished. The translation of each knowledge
is repeated in the Notes, in bold, for convenient reading.
(4 votes)
tipitaka.pdfGuide to Tipitaka2427 viewsU KO Lay

The Guide to the Tipitaka is an outline of the Pali Buddhist Canonical Scriptures of Theravada Buddhism from Burma. This is a unique work, as it is probably the only material that deals in outline with the whole of the Pali Buddhist Tipitaka. The Tipitaka includes all the teachings of the Buddha, grouped into three divisions: the Soutane Patch, or general discourses; the Vane Patch, or moral code for monks and nuns; and the Abhidhamma Pitaka, or philosophical teachings. An excellent reference work which gives an overview of the Pali Buddhist texts.
(6 votes)
03_mahatanhasankhaya.pdf03 Dependent Arising: Nature of Consciousness3196 viewsContinuing to examine the nature of consciousness and related themes, such as its relationship to identity and insight.33333
(3 votes)
words_of_buddha.pdfDaily Readings from Buddha's Words of Wisdom3081 viewsVen. Shravasti Dhammika

For over two millennium the discourses of the Buddha have nourished the spiritual lives of countless millions of people in India, Sri Lanka, Burma and Thailand. This book contains extracts from some of these discourses selected from the Pali Tipitaka and also from some post-canonical writings. Rendered into readable English, presented so that one extract can be read and reflected upon each day of the year and provided with a Readers Guide, this book is an indispensable companion for anyone trying to apply the Buddha's gentle message to their daily life.
(3 votes)
73_Knowledges.pdfWisdom and the Seventy-Three Kinds of Knowledge2830 viewsThe 'Seventy-Three Kinds of Knowledge' appear as a
Summary or Table of Contents (matika) in the first Treatise
on Knowledge (matika-katha) of the Canonical book Patis-
ambhida-magga (translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli as "The
Path of Discrimination", PTS ed. 1982).
(6 votes)
First_Discourse-Comparison_of_Versions.pdfThe Buddha's First Discourse: a Comparision of Versions2132 viewsThis is a study of the Dhammacakka-Pavattana-Sutta, officially considered the first discourse of the Buddha. The tradition acknowledges that he spoke about his teaching before the occasion of the delivery of this discourse. This study was undertaken during my Buddhist studies, which was one major of my Batchelor of Arts at the University of Queensland, completed in 2004. The study compares 17 possible versions of this discourse from four languages: Pali, Chinese, Tibetan and Sanskrit. Some interesting differences are discovered and an attempt is made to explain them. An expected core of all the discourses stands out, which shows why all major schools of Buddhism accept the Four Noble Truths as the essential teaching of the Buddha.33333
(4 votes)
37 files on 4 page(s) 3

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