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The_Concise_Buddhist_Monastic_Code_1.pdfThe Concise Buddhist Monastic Code 11655 viewsThe Concise Buddhist Monastic Code 1 is basically a concise guide to the Bhikkhu PÄá¹imokkha based on The Buddhist Monastic Code 1 by ṬhÄnissaro Bhikkhu. It incorporates information from The Buddhist Monastic Code 2 as well as other English translations of the Bhikkhu PÄá¹imokkha or the Sutta-Vibhaá¹…ga, including SuddhÄso Bhikkhu’s Analysis of the Bhikkhu PÄtimokkha: a translation of the MahÄ -Vibhaá¹…ga in the Vinaya-Piá¹aka, I.B. Horner’s The Book of the Discipline, K.R. Norman’s The PÄtimokkha, and Bhikkhu ÑÄṇatusita’s A Translation and Analysis of the PÄtimokkha.     (1 votes)

bhkkrule.pdfThe Bhikkhus' Rules - Guide for Laypeople3429 viewsThe Theravadin Buddhist Monk's Rules by compiled and explained by Bhikkhu Ariyesako. Some may think that this lineage follows an overly traditionalist approach but then, it does happen to be the oldest living tradition. A slight caution therefore to anyone completely new to the ways of monasticism, which may appear quite radical for the modern day and age. The best introduction, perhaps essential for a true understanding, is meeting with a practising bhikkhu who should manifest and reflect the peaceful and joyous qualities of the bhikkhu's way of life.     (6 votes)

bmc2.pdfThe Buddhist Monastic Code II1854 viewsThe Khandhaka Rules Translated and Explained
This volume is an attempt to give an organized, detailed account of the training rules found in the Khandhakas that govern the life of bhikkhus, together with the traditions that have grown up around them. It is a companion to The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volume One (BMC1), which offers a similar treatment of the Patimokkha training rules.     (2 votes)

ordination.pdfOrdination Procedure2785 viewsPali / English
Ordination Procedure, was composed by Somdet Phra Sangharja Pussadeva of Wat Rajapratisahasthitamahasmarama. His Eminence reformed some of the text and procedure for Pabbajja and Upasampada from the original text. The method of Pabbajja (Going-forth) and Upasampada (Acceptance) in the Southern School (that is, Theravada) uses the original Magadha (Pali) language.     (6 votes)

patimokkha-german.pdfBhikkhu Pâtimokkha in German1929 viewsThe author is Ven. Nyanadassana is a Buddhist monk from Greece who has lived in Sri Lanka for the last 20 years. He is fluent in several languages (including Sinhala) and is the author of the book "Bhikkhu Pâtimokkha" in German(Pâtimokkha - Das Hauptgesetz der Bettelmönche).     (3 votes)

bhikkhuni_patimokkha.pdfThe Bhikkhuni Patimokkha of the Six Schools3110 viewsDr. Chatsumarn Kabilsingh has translated the monastic rules of Buddhist nuns or the Patimokkha of the Six Schools, which will help us to learn and compare Theravada, Mahasanghika, Mahisasaka, Sarvastivada, Dhamagupta and Mula-Sarvastivada. The study of the patimokkha also provides insight into the historical context from which the rules took place. This translation will also provide valuable material for concerned Buddhist scholars.     (3 votes)