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5_Hindrances_02ed_28Buddhanet29.pdfMahaSatipatthana Sutta:Establishment of Mindfulness on 5 Hindrances4292 viewsIn this book, Bro James explained how to establish mindfulness on these 5 Hindrances and why it is important to do so. Written as if spoken in simple Malaysian English, he continued to draw upon his personal experience to explain and supplement the exposition of the Discourse. Connecting the dots between Text and life, he illustrates it with modern day scenarios enabling us to see how the practice is applied – in both formal practice and daily life today.44444
(5 votes)
Ratana_Sutta-The_Three_Superb_Jewels.pdfRatana Sutta2014 viewsThe Buddha’s Discourse on The Three Superb Jewels and their intrinsic power, with an introduction, translation and explanations based on Pàli Sources by Bhikkhu Nànadassana. Foreword by Most Ven. N. Ariyadhamma Mahàthera.

FREE HARD COPIES: For free and postage-free hard copies please email to: desamansoysa-at-yahoo.com
(5 votes)
Bhutan_47.jpgBhutan - Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom (63) 2100 viewsIn 2005 the Australian monk Ven S Dhammika was invited to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and spent ten days visiting the countries monasteries, shrines and temples. We present some of the pictures he took while in this rarely visited land and hope you enjoy them. 44444
(5 votes)
mahasit1.pdfPractical Vipassana Exercises7029 viewsThe late Mahasi Sayadaw was responsible for the modern revival of Vipassana or Insight meditation in Myanmar (Burma). This text is his basic instruction on the practice: the preparatory stages with a series of basic exercises. Part two, deals with the deals with the progressive practice and the practical vipassana exercises. The appendix explains the techniques involved in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition.44444
(11 votes)
06pinklotus02.jpgPink Lotus 022788 viewsPink Lotus 0244444
(12 votes)
11_Track_11.mp3THOUGHTS1999 viewsI fold my palms to worship Him,
And meditate thro’s love,
I place the blossoms one by one,
And lift my eyes above.

I see Samsara‘s mighty vast
And sorrow’s yearning fate,
But thro’s the law the Dharma’s taught
I sense a pathway great;

“Oh may that Noble Eightfold way
Be sense by you and me,
For on this Holy Wesak Day,
‘Tis my true gift to thee!”
(6 votes)
4snowlion.jpgDragon036599 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Dragon0344444
(7 votes)
ctp_book-2up_v1.pdfClearing the Path2486 viewsNOTE: The primary book version was made for printing as a book so it was not optimised for onscreen viewing or personal printout. This version 2upbookctpv1.PDF has been reprinted (Distilled) via Acrobat so that there are now 2 pages per A4 page in Landscape orientation (rather than usual Portrait orientation) so as to make personal printouts for reading much easier. The same effect could be obtained by using the original CtPbookv1.pdf and printing that via your desktop printer driver so as to have 2 pages per page (if possible).44444
(7 votes)
intuitive-awareness.pdfIntuitive Awareness4175 viewsThis book is a small sample of the talks that Ajahn Sumedho offered during the winter retreat of 2001. The aim of the editors in compiling this book has been explicitly to maintain the style and spirit of the spoken word. As Ajahn Sumedho himself commented, The book is meant to be suggestions of ways to investigate conscious experience. It's not meant to be a didactic treatise on Pali Buddhism.44444
(7 votes)
allexistence.pdfThe 31 Planes of Existence3929 viewsThe suttas describe the 31 distinct planes or realms of existence into which beings can be reborn during their long wanderings through samsara. These range from the extraordinarily dark, grim, and painful hell realms all the way up to the most sublime, refined and exquisitely blissful heavenly realms. Existence in every realm is impermanent; in the cosmology taught by the Buddha there is no eternal heaven or hell. Beings are born into a particular realm according to both their past kamma.
(10 votes)
978 files on 98 page(s) 16

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