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powermindfulness.pdfThe Power of Mindfulness4388 viewsIn the case of mindfulness, it required a genius like the Buddha to discover the hidden talent in the modest garb, and to develop the vast inherent power of that potent seed. It is, indeed, the mark of a genius to perceive and to harness the power of the seemingly small. Here, truly, it happens that, what is little becomes much. A revaluation of values takes place. The standards of greatness and smallness change. Through the master mind of the Buddha, mindfulness is finally revealed as the point where the vast revolving mass of world suffering is levered out of its twofold anchorage in ignorance and craving.44444
(10 votes)
lifebuddha.pdfThe Buddha, His Life and Teachings5816 viewsThe author, Venerable Mahathera Piyadassi is one of the world's most eminent Buddhist monks, a highly revered teacher of great renown, a indefatigable worker for the Buddha Dhamma. The ages roll by and the Buddha seems not so far away after all; his voice whispers in our ears and tells us not to run away from the struggle but, calm-eyed, to face it, and to see in life ever greater opportunities for growth and advancement.44444
(10 votes)
t001.jpgThe Buddha's Life3291 viewsThe Buddha's Life - Kusinagara44444
(12 votes)
deathless.pdfMindfulness: The Path of the Deathless5132 viewsAjahn Sumedho

The aim of this book is to provide a clear instruction in and reflection on Buddhist meditation as taught by Ajahn Sumedho, a bhikkhu (monk) of the Theravadin tradition. It has been edited from talks Ajahn Sumedho has given to meditators as a practical approach to the wisdom of Buddhism. This wisdom is otherwise known as Dhamma or 'the way things are'. It is a step-by-step manual on the practice of meditation.
(12 votes)
gqga2.pdfGood Questions, Good Answers (English)17081 viewsThis is a very popular book on questions and answers on basic Buddhism. Read the answers to questions that people often ask about the Buddha's Teachings with Venerable S. Dhammika. The book covers topics such as What is Buddhism? Basic Buddhist Concepts, Buddhism and the god Idea, The Five Precepts, Rebirth, Meditation, Wisdom and Compassion, Vegetarianism, Good Luck and Fate and Becoming a Buddhist.44444
(29 votes)
28_Track_28.mp3ANGULIMALA2190 views“Stop thee! Oh saffron princely monk,
“who hastens on like falling rain,
“ I want a finger from thy hand
“To finish off my bloody chain.”

“I do not run, you run instead
“please stop awhile and follow me,
“Angulimal, I ‘m not content,
“to know that thou are not yet free”

“please throw that bloody chain aside,
“there is a better, nobler way,
“To live thy life and reach that truth,
“Angulimala, for you to-day.”

And hours want by the Indian time,
While Buddha’s sinless way he heard,
And sinner changed to blessed saint,
And preach’d he out the hollowed word.
(12 votes)
03Basic_Instructions.pdfBasic Instructions for Vipassana Meditation 4158 viewsFrom the beginning and throughout the practice sessions the strategies and fundamentals of Vipassana meditation will be given so that you become well established in the essentials of the techniques involved. Then it is important that the meditator understands the practice in its context. So a frame of reference is necessary, in the form of a framework to the practice as given by the Buddha in his teaching in the Satipatthana Sutta or the discourse on The Four Foundations of Mindfulness.44444
(11 votes)
M03_Mind.mp3The Mind1838 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: The Mind (32 mins) 44444
(10 votes)
UpSideDown.pdfAn Upside Down World2772 viewsFind out how the sad upside down world of four unhappy wanderers go the right side up again in this wonderful illustrated story book. Suitable for younger children, it includes some fun activities to do as you read along. This book has both colour and black & white Illustrations. [30 pages]44444
(10 votes)
File02_(AM)_Introducing_Mahasi_method.mp3Introducing Mahasi Method2216 viewsPatrick Kearney's Vipassana Retreat Talk at Bodhi Tree Monastery (2009)

Today we introduce the method of meditation we are practising during this retreat. Yesterday morning we just brought a sense of open curiosity to the examination of mind/body experience. This morning we are applying system to this investigation, stimulating what the Buddha calls yoniso manasikara, “appropriate attention.” We do this through the meditation method created by Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma (1904-1982), which is structured by his division of experience into primary and secondary object, along with the fundamental activities of noting, naming and noticing.
(8 votes)
978 files on 98 page(s) 17

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