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toward_sustainable_science_a_buddhist_look_at_trend_in_scientific_development.pdfToward Sustainable Science: A Buddhist Look at Trend in Scientific Development.1565 views44444
(1 votes)
vision_of_the_dhamma_a_collection_of_buddhist_writings_in_english.pdfVision of the Dhamma: A Collection of Buddhist Writings in English1764 views44444
(1 votes)
jataka_tales_book_ii.pdfJataka Tales Book II1493 views44444
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freedom_individual_and_social.pdfFreedom: Individual and Social1947 views44444
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ZazenWasan.pdfHAKUIN ZENJI - ZAZEN WASAN (白隠禅師 - 坐禅和讃)1255 viewsThe Song of Zazen by Hakuin Zenji
(for Rohatsu sesshin)
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PrajnaParamita.pdfMA-KA HAN-NYA HA-RA-MI-TA SHIN GYO1247 viewsPrajnaparamitahrdayasutram

Great Wisdom Beyond-Perfection Heart Sutra.
(1 votes)
HOKYOZANMAI.pdfHO-KYO ZAN-MAI 宝 鏡 三 昧1446 viewsTreasure-Mirror Samadhi44444
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wheel188.pdfIdeal Solitude - An Exposition of the Bhaddekaratta Sutta1357 viewsThe Bhaddekaratta Sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya (No. 131) consists of a “summary” in four verses and an “exposition” dealing with some doctrinal points of considerable psychological and ethical import. 44444
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wheel085.pdfBuddhism in Thailand - Its Past and Its Present1633 viewsJudging from archaeological finds and other historical evidence, it is safe to say that Buddhism first reached Thailand when the country was inhabited by a racial stock of people known as the Mon-Khmer who then had their capital, Dvárávati, at a city now known as Nakon Pathom about 50 kilometers to the west of Bangkok. The great pagoda at Nakon Pathom, Phra Pathom Chedi and other historical findings in other parts of the country testify to this fact as well as to the fact that Buddhism, in its varied forms, reached Thailand at four different periods, namely: I. Theraváda or Southern Buddhism II. Maháyána or Northern Buddhism III. Burma (Pagan) Buddhism IV. Ceylon (Lankavaísa) Buddhism.44444
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wheel048.pdfThe Discourse on the Snake Simile (Alagaddúpama Sutta)1332 viewsThe discourse of the Buddha on the Snake Simile (Alagaddúpama Sutta) that is presented here, together with explanatory notes taken mostly from the commentarial literature, is the 22nd text in the “Collection of Discourses of Medium Length” (Majjhima Nikáya).44444
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978 files on 98 page(s) 22

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