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IMG0012.jpg2000 Years on Buddha’s Path, Sri Lanka1062 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community44444
(1 votes)
IMG0011.jpgForest Monks underway Ayuthaya, Thailand1042 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community44444
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IMG0007.jpgHermit in the Korean Mountains1973 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist Community44444
(1 votes)
acariya-mun.pdfAcariya Mun Bhuridatta - A Spiritual Biography (Screen Version)1196 viewsA Spiritual Biography by Acariya Maha Boowa Nanasampanno. Translated from the Thai by Bhikkhu Dick Salaratano. Acariya Mun Bharidatta Thera was a vipassana meditation master of the highest caliber of this present age. He taught the profound nature of Dhamma with such authority and persuasion that he left no doubts among his students about the exalted level of his spiritual attainment. His devoted followers consist of numerous monks and laity from virtually every region of Thailand. His story is truly a magnificent one throughout: from his early years in lay life through his long endeavor as a Buddhist monk to the day he finally passed away.44444
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Nothing-is-more-joyless.pdf“Nothing is more joyless than selfishness”2385 viewsThese teachings were originally talks given byduring his stay at Wat Pah Nanachat, the International Forest Monastery in the North-East of Thailand, in May 1989. The talks were usually given during the evening meetings, when the Sangha would come together for chanting, meditation and listening to the Dhamma.44444
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V03-Vajra-Guru-Mantra_3.mp3The Vajra Gura (Padmasambhava) Mantra 03865 viewsA high quality chanting of the Vajra Gura Mantra.44444
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Tubten_Pende-Ethics_for_New_Millennium_pt2.mp3Ethics for the New Millennium (Part 2)1231 viewsA Lecture Series Based on the Bestseller 'Ethics for the New Millennium' by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. (Part 2)

This lecture series highlights the universal, ethical principles that anyone can apply in daily life, based on the practical guidelines provided by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in his book Ethics For The New Millennium. Everyday we are confronted with ethical choices of right and wrong, for which we often turn to wisdom traditions for guidance, as our own future happiness as well as that of others is affected by our choice. His Holiness provides universal guidelines that anyone can benefit from whether they follow a particular religion or not.
(1 votes)
a_taste_of_salt(2).pdfA Taste of Salt3490 viewsThe Sutta Pitaka was written down in the Pali language over 2,000 years ago. The Sutta Pitaka is made of five collections of suttas; the Digha Nikaya, the Majjima Nikaya, the Samyutta Nikaya, the Anguttara Nikaya, and the Khuddaka Nikaya. These texts remain the most complete record of early Buddhist teachings. The suttas fill thousands of pages, and it is a daunting task for most readers to read through the many volumes. A Taste of Salt draws 350 pages containing the central teachings of the Buddha from the roughly 5,000 pages of the Sutta Pitaka. The purpose of this collection is to make these essential texts more accessible to meditators and students of Buddhism.44444
(15 votes)
thai-buddha_04.jpg04 Thai Buddha Image3426 views04 Thai Buddha Image44444
(11 votes)
08_Track_8.mp3WHY2718 viewsWhy must they all lie?
Why must they deny?
The words that He had said,
And the Eightfold Way.
Why do they close their minds
And choose to be so blind?
Thro’s birth, and death and change,
Round they will go again.
Round and round they’ll go again,
Round they’ll go again.
Down and down they’re burnt in flames,
Down they’ll go in pain.

Why do they deafen their ears?
Why do they not hear?
The words of love and peace,
From the Master’s seat.
(11 votes)
978 files on 98 page(s) 25

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