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20_tara.jpgThe 21 Taras (20)1759 viewsThe 21 Taras [Tibetan style] (Tibetan, Sgrol-ma)

It was not until the adoption of the Yogachara system, taught by Asanga in the fourth century AD, that the feminine principle began to be venerated in Mahayana Buddhism. Around the sixth century, the goddess Tara was considered as a Sakti of Avalokitesvara (sometimes as his wife).
(9 votes)
buddha_life_16.jpgThe First Two Lay Followers3123 viewsThe First Two Lay Followers44444
(9 votes)
tree-enlightenment.pdfThe Tree of Enlightenment4289 viewsIn keeping with the original objectives of the study of basic Buddhism, this book is - as far as possible - non-technical. It is intended for the ordinary readers not having any special expertise in Buddhist studies or in Buddhist canonical languages. This book can supply a general introduction to the major traditions of Buddhism, but does not pretend to be complete or definitive. This book will serve as the beginning of its readers' Buddhist education and not the end of it.44444
(9 votes)
Changing_the_Mind.mp3Changing the Mind2710 viewsChanging the Mind Broadcast Live at Women at Wisdom Lectures, San Francisco, CA September 3, 2002

"Human happiness and human satisfaction must ultimately come from within oneself." -- His Holiness Dalai Lama.
(11 votes)
artofatt.pdfThe Art of Attention8155 viewsThis is a handbook on the art of meditative attention or meditating for insight. It deals with the basics of awareness meditation. There is practical instruction on how to do sitting and walking meditation and how to apply awareness in daily activities based on the Insight Meditation (Vipassana) tradition. The purpose of this handbook is to give the beginner to awareness meditation a guide to the basics of the practice, with the emphasis on its practical application to daily life.44444
(13 votes)
fundbud1.pdfFundamentals of Buddhism7408 viewsThe basic teachings outlined here include: the Life of the Buddha, the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, Karma, Rebirth, Dependent Origination, The Three Universal Characteristics and The Five Aggregates. Dr Santina also puts Buddhism into its context by describing the pre-Buddhist background and gives an overview of Buddhism from a modern perspective in a very readable way.44444
(17 votes)
jataka_t.pdfBuddhist Tales for Young & Old (Vol. 2)4770 viewsThis is the second volume of fifty stories from the Jataka Tales - Buddhist Tales for Young and Old, interpreted by Ven. Kurunegoda Piyatissa, Maha Thera and told by Todd Anderson. These stories are not scholarly word-for-word translations as have been done by others. Rather these tales have been rewritten in modern English understandable by western readers. By reading these stories, children and adults can develop their knowledge and learn how to face the difficulties of modern life.44444
(10 votes)
thai-buddha_03.jpg03 Thai Buddha Image2350 views03 Thai Buddha Image44444
(8 votes)
buddha_life_19.jpgVisiting His Wife and Son2566 viewsVisiting His Wife and Son44444
(8 votes)
26_Track_26.mp3SONG OF THE PILGRIM1450 viewsNo sentient life in all the worlds,
Will ever cease to be,
Unending all as Thou and I,
Though forms change constantly,
Then life imprisoned in the earth,
May bloom as lovely flower,
So all evolve a fairer birth,

Remembering always “Buddha Thou art”
The path will lighter grow,
The Buddha seed within our heart,
Will guide to those who know.

On through the endless eons of time,
Through forms from stone to man,
All beings to perfection climb,
Such is the faultless plan.
Perfected man the masters are,
And we shall also climb,
To starry heights in worlds afar,
And know the Truth sublime.

(6 votes)
978 files on 98 page(s) 33

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