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Buddhist eLibrary Feature: Buddhist Studies
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14-chant-14.mp314. Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting971 views14. Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting33333
(3 votes)
3_chanting.mp3Recollection of the Buddha981 viewsRecollection of the Buddha: From the Buddhist Society of Western Australia's Chanting Book.33333
(3 votes)
gqga_khamer.pdfGood Question, Good Answer (Cambodian)2044 viewsKhmer (Cambodian) edition of Ven. Dhammika's Good Question, Good Answer. Translator: Bhikkhu S. Vodano.33333
(3 votes)
04_vibhanga.pdf04 Dependent Arising: Vibhanga2933 viewsLooking at the standard "twelvefold formula" of dependent arising,and the question of life-after-life, or "rebirth.33333
(3 votes)
ctp_book_v1.pdfClearing the Path1996 viewsNOTE: Primarily the PDF CtPbookV1.pdf is made to be printed as a book. Other versions of this PDF are modified to be better viewed on screen - whilst another is already pre-printed in PDF format as a 2-up meaning that there are 2 pages per A4 Landscape oriented page to make for easier printout (on A4 paper) for personal use.33333
(3 votes)
dhammapada_illustrated.zipTreasury of Truth2154 viewsThis is the Illustrated version of the Dhammapada or Treasury of Truth, compiled by Venerable Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero.33333
(3 votes)
4nobltru.pdfThe Four Noble Truths19332 viewsThis booklet was compiled and edited from talks given by Venerable Ajahn Sumedho on the teaching of the Buddha: that the unhappiness of humanity can be overcome through spiritual means. The teaching is conveyed through the Buddha's Four Noble Truths, first expounded in 528 BC in the Deer Park at Sarnath near Varanasi, India and kept alive in the Buddhist world ever since.33333
(71 votes)
ratana.mp3Ratana Sutta5015 viewsThe Jewel Discourse.
Ratana Sutta - The Jewel Discourse.
(13 votes)
01homage_refuge_attributes.mp3Homage, Going for Refuge, Attributes of the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha (Pali)4813 viewsHomage, Going for Refuge, Attributes of the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha (Pali)33333
(26 votes)
muktipatha.pdfDhammapadam (Marathi language)17945 viewsThe Dhammapada in Marathi language.33333
(23 votes)
978 files on 98 page(s) 43

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