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wheel-deer.jpgDharma Wheel Deer7167 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Dharma Wheel Deer33333
(9 votes)
thai-buddha_05.jpg05 Thai Buddha Image4138 views05 Thai Buddha Image33333
(9 votes)
buddha_life_14.jpgThe Daughters of Mara3700 viewsThe Daughters of Mara33333
(9 votes)
gawarens.pdfA Guide to Awareness4967 viewsThe Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta). This is a series of twenty-two talks given at Wat Bovornives, Bangkok by H.H.Somdet Phra Sanasamvara, Supreme Patriarch of Thailand. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness is the Buddha's explanation of the practice of mindfulness meditation within the framework of four foundations of awareness: body, feelings, mind-states and the mental content. If you read this book, you will discover the truth of the 'knots' and problems that exist within you. In short, this can be described as the 'knot of suffering'. You may also then see the method to unravel and safeguard against this suffering.33333
(10 votes)
manual_zen.pdfManual of Zen Buddhism6130 viewsDaisetz Teitaro Suzuki, D.Litt., Professor of Buddhist Philosophy in the Otani University, Kyoto, was born in 1870. He is probably now the greatest living authority on Buddhist philosophy, and is certainly the greatest authority on Zen Buddhism. Dr. Suzuki writes with authority. Not only has he studied original works in Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese and Japanese, but he has an up-to-date knowledge of Western thought in German and French as well as in the English which he speaks and writes so fluently. He is, moreover, more than a scholar; he is a Buddhist. Though not a priest of any Buddhist sect, he is honoured in every temple in Japan, for his knowledge of spiritual things, as all who have sat at his feet bear witness, is direct and profound.33333
(23 votes)
8_symbols_in_one.jpgEight Auspicious Symbols (Combined)5390 viewsEight Auspicious Symbols (Combined)33333
(13 votes)
fourelements.pdfMindfulness of Breathing and the Four Elements Meditation5588 viewsVen. Pa-Auk Sayadaw

This book contains the instructions for mindfulness-of-breathing meditation, the four-elements meditation, and the subsequent detailed discernment of materiality. The last section of this book covers some of the relevant theory. Several pages have been added by the Sayadaw covering the balancing of the five controlling faculties and seven factors of enlightenment. There is also the addition of his explanation of the difference between the experience of Nibbana and the experience of life.
(13 votes)
02_Track_2.mp3Climb the Path with Gladness6554 viewsClimb the Path with gladness,
In the field of life,
Vanquishing illusion,
Ignorance and strife.
Brotherhood and service,
Shall our motto be,
And the goal before us,
Truth and liberty.
We will teach Thy Dharma,
Wheresoe’re we go
Wisdom, Love, Compassion,
In our actions show.

We must stand together
Fighting side by side,
Truth is undivided
This must be our guide.
All divisions vanish
Where the Truth is known,
This the greatest lesson
By Lord Buddha shown.
Forward marching ever
In the Dharma’s might,
Till we lead the nations
(43 votes)
Chief_Part1.movChief - Documentary on Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda (Part 1)4158 viewsFor more than half a century, K Sri Dhammananda has been a leading light in disseminating Buddhism in Malaysia. Although there are different schools of Buddhism practiced in this country, such is his deep impact on the community that he is affectionately known by all as Chief Venerable, or just "Chief". This short film offers a glimpse of Chief's remarkable life and work. 33333
(16 votes)
8_symbols.jpgThe Eight Auspicious Symbols6656 viewsThe Eight Auspicious Symbols33333
(20 votes)
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