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Buddhist eLibrary Feature: Buddhist Studies
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02calming.mp3Calming the Body with the Breath5560 viewsCalming the body with the breath, describes a mindfulness of breath exercise coupled with relaxation. This is a basic Calm meditation practice and it generally helps to cultivate concentration, calm and relaxation. 33333
(22 votes)
vietchant01.mp3Vietnamese Chanting2394 viewsVietnamese Chanting33333
(12 votes)
00relaxation.mp3Progressive Relaxation9077 viewsProgressive Relaxation gives guidance for a common muscle tension and release exercise often used for stress management. And is useful as a preparatory exercise before meditation.33333
(54 votes)
03peace.mp3Peace and Joy with the Breath3208 viewsCultivating peace and joy with the breath, is an extension of the track "Calming the body with the breath". It is a Calm meditation practice and for some people it can provide a way to cultivate peace and joy. 33333
(12 votes)
thai-buddha_12a.jpg12 Thai Buddha Image1819 views12 Thai Buddha Image33333
(9 votes)
BT07B.MP3Lecture 7. (b) The Noble Eightfold Path1511 viewsThe lectures explain the Dhamma from the perspective of Theravada Buddhism, the oldest continuous Buddhist school, whose scriptures, the Pali canon, give the most accurate picture of what the historical Buddha himself actually taught. The lectures are intended to be basic enough to be of value to beginners without previous study of the Dhamma, and deep and through enough to be of interest to long-term students seeking to extend and clarify their understanding.33333
(6 votes)
4dragon.jpgDragon018329 viewsTibetan Buddhist Art Work: Dragon0133333
(6 votes)
04metta_chant_2pali.mp3Metta Chant 2 (Pali)2039 viewsMetta Chant 2 in Pali.33333
(6 votes)
buddha_life_25.jpgThe Conversion of Angulimala2424 viewsThe Conversion of Angulimala33333
(6 votes)
buddha_life_06.gifThe Great Renunciation4380 viewsThe Great Renunciation33333
(6 votes)
978 files on 98 page(s) 63

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