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Episode_06.flvVidhura-Pandita Jataka: Episode 6 Series 3909 viewsVidhura-Pandita, the eloquent Sage (Thai audio, with English and Chinese subtitles)

At one time , thousands of years ago, the Bodhisatta came to earth in the person of a sage named Vidhura-Pandita. He was no ordinary man of wisdom. His life's purpose was to speak the truth, and in such a way that men would be held spellbound by his voice.
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Episode_05.flvVidhura-Pandita Jataka: Episode 5 Series 3951 viewsVidhura-Pandita, the eloquent Sage

At one time , thousands of years ago, the Bodhisatta came to earth in the person of a sage named Vidhura-Pandita. He was no ordinary man of wisdom. His life's purpose was to speak the truth, and in such a way that men would be held spellbound by his voice.
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lama_tsongkapa02.jpgLama Tsongkapa 022112 viewsLama Tsongkapa 0200000
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track07_five-mental-faculties-pt-2.mp3(07) Vipassana Meditation Retreat1158 viewsTrack07 Five Mental Faculties (Part 2) - 10 Vipassana Retreat Talks, by Sayadaw U Janaka (6/12/2003)
The second evening talk on the Five Mental Faculties during an intensive Vipassana (Insight) meditation retreat in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition of Burma, by the abbot and Meditation Master of Chanmyay Meditation Centre, Yangon, Myanmar.
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heart_one.mp3The "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part One)1205 viewsThe "Perfection of Wisdom" (Part One)00000
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12-chant-12.mp312. Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting1063 views12. Vandana: Pali Devotional Chanting00000
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4_chanting.mp3Recollection of the Dhamma1046 viewsRecollection of the Dhamma. The Buddhist Society of Western Australia - Chanting Book.00000
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noinnercore.pdfNo Inner Core1793 viewsAnatta is a Pali word consisting of a negative prefix, "an" meaning not, plus atta, soul, and is most literally translated as no-soul. The word atta, however, has a wide range of meanings, and some of those meanings cross over into the fields of psychology, philosophy, and everyday terminology, as, for example, when atta can mean self, being, ego, and personality. Therefore, we will examine and elucidate the wide range of meanings which atta can signify in order to determine exactly what the Buddha denied when He proclaimed that He teaches anatt?, that is, when He denied the existence of atta. We will examine both Buddhist and non-Buddhist definitions of the term soul, and we will also examine modern definitions of terms such as ego and self.00000
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