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Top rated - Vipassana - Insight Meditation
frames_ref.pdfFrames of Reference3992 viewsThis book on the frames of reference is based to some extent on my own thoughts and opinions. In some spots it may not be directly in line with the original text (Satipatthana Sutta), because my primary aim has been to get to the heart of the matter, so that it can be conveniently put into practice. The eBook also includes a section on the Duties of the Sangha, that is, the laws and regulations and disciplinary standards (Vinaya).44444
(6 votes)
bm7insight.pdfSeven Stages of Purification and Insight Knowledges7651 viewsThe seven stages of purification provide the framework for the practising disciple?s gradual progress from the cultivation of virtue up to the attainment of the final goal. Integral to the higher stages of purification are the nine types of insight-knowledge, by which the disciple breaks through the delusions covering his mental vision and penetrates through to the real nature of phenomena.44444
(16 votes)
artofatt.pdfThe Art of Attention8359 viewsThis is a handbook on the art of meditative attention or meditating for insight. It deals with the basics of awareness meditation. There is practical instruction on how to do sitting and walking meditation and how to apply awareness in daily activities based on the Insight Meditation (Vipassana) tradition. The purpose of this handbook is to give the beginner to awareness meditation a guide to the basics of the practice, with the emphasis on its practical application to daily life.44444
(13 votes)
05Guidelines_for_the_Practice.pdfGuidelines for the Practice2960 viewsNow that you have been give the basic instructions and are doing the exercises to develop the practice, it is necessary to have an overview and a framework of
the practice to guide you. In order to do this, we need to go back to the source material of the Buddha’s set of instructions on Vipassana meditation: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness.
(2 votes)
04Interview_-_What_to_Report.pdfWhat to Report in an Interview2335 viewsOnce the beginner is established in the basic techniques, students are then required to report their experience to the teacher in a formal interview throughout the retreat. The interview is the basis for the relationship between the teacher and the student. It is crucial for the development of Vipassana meditation as it is where the meditator reports his or her experience and can be guided and given further instructions if need be by the teacher.44444
(2 votes)
medwshop.pdfInsight Meditation Workshop Online4026 viewsMeditation is the intelligent heart of the Buddha's way; the only criterion is that you should apply it to daily life. The purpose of this meditation course is not to create a system of beliefs, but rather to give guidance on how to see clearly into the nature of the mind. In this way, you can have firsthand understanding of the way things are, without reliance on opinions or theories - a direct experience, which has its own vitality. This course has been prepared with both beginners and experienced practitioners in mind.33333
(10 votes)
essentials.pdfEssentials of Insight Meditation Practice6672 viewsThe ultimate aim of insight meditation is to free one from the unsatisfactoriness of cyclic existence. Readers may also find numerous quotations of the Buddha's teaching on mindfulness, detachment and liberation throughout the entire book. Those verses act as a source of inspiration and purpose to put vipassana into practice - a practice that brings about insight into the three universal characteristics of unsatisfactoriness, impermanence and non-self which leads one into detachment and ultimate liberation.33333
(13 votes)
path-free.pdfOn The Path To Freedom4221 viewsOn The Path to Freedom - a mind of wise discernment and openness - by Burmese Meditation Master, Sayadaw U Pandita. This is a compilation of Dhamma discourses to foreign meditators at the Mahasi Meditation Centre, Rangoon, Myanmar, who came to practise under him in Yangon (formerly Rangoon) between August 1986 to March 1987. Translated from Myanmar by the late Mya Thaung.33333
(8 votes)
v_retreat6.pdfThe Vipassana Retreat3734 viewsVen. Pannyavaro

Vipassana meditation requires long-term commitment. While it can be done to some extent in everyday life, realistically for the practice to deepen it needs to be done intensively in a supportive retreat situation. Vipassana meditation is developmental, so to realise its ultimate benefit it has to be sustained with appropriate intensity under supportive conditions. Ven. Pannyavaro, a practitioner of over 30 years, guides you through the vipassana experience in a retreat situation, in a systematic and practical way.
(6 votes)
01Practicing_Vipassana.pdfPracticing Vipassana Meditation5334 viewsMany people all over the world are now practicing the Buddhist meditation known as Vipassana or Insight Meditation. Western psychotherapies have taken it up as ‘mindfulness’ as well as ordinary people who have found it beneficial in coping with the stresses and strains of modern life. While many are increasingly taking time out to attend retreats in Vipassana meditation centres. So this series of text will take you the basic practice.33333
(7 votes)
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