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Home > eBook Library > Buddhist Meditation > Samadhi - Serenity Meditation > Samadhi - Serenity Mediation eBooks

Keeping the Breath in Mind & Lessons in Samadhi

This is a 'how to' book. It teaches the liberation of the mind, not as a mind-boggling theory, but as a very basic skill that starts with keeping the breath in mind. The teachings here are drawn from the works of Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo (1906-61), one of Thailand's most renowned teachers of Buddhist meditation practices. Ajaan Lee was a forest monk - one who prefers to live in the seclusion of the forest and makes his meditation the central theme of his practice - so his teachings grow out of personal, practical experience, although he also makes a point of relating them to standard Buddhist doctrine.

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Album name:elibrary / Samadhi - Serenity Mediation eBooks
Rating (10 votes):33333
Keywords:Anapanasati / Samadhi
Author:Ajahn Lee Dhammadharo
Filesize:0 Bytes
Date added:Jan 01, 1970
Dimensions:0 x 0 pixels
Displayed:7027 times
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