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Home > eBook Library > Mahayana Texts > Sutras

The Diamond Sutra

This sutra says, One should produce a heart without dwelling anywhere. The Sixth Patriarch, the Great Master Hui, heard that sentence and awakened to the Way. Any dwelling of the heart is no dwelling. Therefore, the Larger Chapters say, If one dwells in dharmas, he does not dwell in prajna paramita. If one does not dwell in dharmas, he dwells in prajna paramita. That is why every one of the Great Prajna assemblies begins with an explanation of not dwelling.

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Album name:elibrary / Sutras
Rating (13 votes):33333
Keywords:Sixth Patriarch / Prajna Paramita / Diamond Sutra
Author:Dhyana Master Hsuan Hua
Filesize:0 Bytes
Date added:Jan 01, 1970
Dimensions:0 x 0 pixels
Displayed:7162 times
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