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Long have we sought for Truth’s Bright Light,
Long have we wondered in the night?
Lord Buddha hath found the holy way
That leads from night to Endless Day.

When shall we find the road to peace,
When earthly strife and hatred cease?
O weary soul that peace profound,
To Buddha’s Holy Law is found,

Where shall we learn that Law sublime,
Which leads us on the peace divine?
To Buddha’s Holy Law we turn,
The path of Truth and Peace to learn.

Why must we wonder many a year,
In pain and misery and fear?
The Eightfold Path of wondrous wealth,
Is hidden by the love of self.

And must we prey that we may find,
The strength to break the chains that bind?
By each one must the race be run,
And not by prayer is freedom won.

Whence comes the suffering of this life,
How can we end our state of strife?
By Buddha’s Law is justice known,
For each must reap what each has sown.

With love that never more shall wane,
We’ll praise Lord Buddha’s holy name,
And in the Dharma’s Noble way,
We’ll reach Nirvana’s endless Day.

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File information
Album name:elibrary / Devotional
Rating (14 votes):44444
Keywords:Devotional Buddhist Songs English
Author:Victor Wee
Licensing:Published by Buddhist Missionary Society, Brickfields, KL. Malaysia
Filesize:1173 KiB
Date added:May 14, 2009
Dimensions:400 x 0 pixels
Displayed:1526 times
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