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Arahattamagga, Arahattaphala: The Path to Arahantship

At present, all that is left of Buddhism are the words of the Buddha. Only his teachings ñ the scriptures ñ remain. Please be aware of this. Due to the corruption caused by the defiling nature of the kilesas, true spiritual principles are no longer practiced in present-day Buddhism. As Buddhists, we constantly allow our minds to be agitated and confused, engulfed in mental defilements that assail us from every direction. They so overpower our minds that we never rise above these contaminating influences, no matter how hard we try. The vast majority of people are not even interested enough to try: They simply close their eyes and allow the onslaught to overwhelm them. They don't even attempt to put up the least amount of resistance. Since they lack the mindfulness needed to pay attention to the consequences of their thoughts, all their thinking and all they do and say are instances of the kilesas giving them a beating. They surrendered to the power of these ruinous forces such a long time ago that they now lack any motivation to restrain their wayward thoughts...

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Album name:elibrary / Meditative Practices
Rating (5 votes):44444
Keywords:Arahattamagga / Arahattaphala / Arahantship
Author:Acariya Maha Boowa / Translator: Bhikkhu Silaratano
Licensing: Copyright © 2009 by Acariya Maha Boowa. http://www.forestdhammabooks.com
Filesize:2263 KiB
Date added:Feb 26, 2011
Dimensions:0 x 0 pixels
Displayed:4102 times
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