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good_evil_beyond.pdfGood, Evil and Beyond2093 viewsFor the modern Westerner, the teaching of kamma offers a path of practice based not on fear of a higher authority, nor dogma, but rather founded on a clear understanding of the natural law of cause and effect as it relates to human behaviour. It is a teaching to be not so much believed as understood and seen in operation.
gratitude.pdfGratitude in the Buddha’s Teachings1948 viewsThis text, with an introduction on the subject of gratitude in the Buddha's Teachings has extacts from Pali Suttas on Gratitude and Suttas on Ingratitude. In the Mangala Sutta, the Buddha declares that the quality of gratitude to be one of the highest blessings, thus showing how it plays a key role in His ethical and spiritual teachings.
headandheartbook.pdfHead and Heart Together: Essays on the Buddhist Path1006 viewsContents: The Lessons of Gratitude; No Strings Attached; The Power of Judgment; Think like a Thief; Strength Training for the Mind; Mindfulness Defined; The Joy of Effort; Head & Heart Together; The Wisdom of the Ego; Ignorance; Food for Awakening; The Buddha via the Bible; Freedom from Buddha Nature.
iabu_journal.pdfThe Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities1682 viewsThe journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities
into_the_stream.pdfInto the Stream: A Study Guide On The First Stage Of Awakening1142 viewsThe Pali Canon recognizes four levels of Awakening, the first of which is called stream entry. This gains its name from the fact that a person who has attained this level has entered the “stream” flowing inevitably to Nibbana. He/she is guaranteed to achieve full awakening within seven lifetimes at most, and in the interim will not be reborn in any of the lower realms.

This study guide on stream entry is divided into two parts. The first deals with the practices leading to stream entry; the second, with the experience of stream entry and its results.
itself.pdfAwareness Itself: The Teachings of Ajaan Fuang Jotiko1190 viewsContents: Introduction; Mind what you Say; Mind what you Eat; People practicing the Dhamma; Merit; Student/Teacher; Living in the World; The Celibate Life; Meditation; Breathing; Visions & Signs; Right at Awareness; Contemplation; Realization.
kathina.pdfKathina: Then and Now1508 viewsThe kathina ceremony is now an internationally established celebration where the Sangha and the laity meet to participate in mutually rewarding, meritorious activities. Throughout the centuries, the way of carrying out the ceremony has changed with local interpretations, practices and customs. How much has deviated from the original scriptural tradition - how much is in accordance with the scriptures and how much is mere invention? In this booklet, Venerable Aggacitta Bhikkhu combines his scriptural knowledge and practical experience to scrutinise the kathina ceremony through two articles: The Scriptural Tradition of Kathina; Kathina Benefits - Illusion, Delusion and Resolution.
KENDAL_BOOK.pdfIntroducing Buddhism1037 viewsIntroducing Buddhism was originally published by The Buddhist Society London in 1988, to accompany the Buddhist Society’s Introducing Buddhism Course, on which Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili was one of the teachers. Introducing Buddhism has subsequently been published by different organisations in different countries.
Maung_-_Buddhism_and_the_Self.pdfBuddhism and the Self1326 viewsOne of the most perplexing concepts in Buddhist philosophy is the doctrine of anatta, or ‘not-self’. Many have interpreted anatta to be a metaphysical assertion that there is no self, but I argue that this is mistaken. Rather, in line with Thanissaro Bhikkhu, I understand anatta as a practical strategy that has heuristic value in guiding one
towards liberation. Furthermore, I propose that the acceptance of a subjective self can be consistent with and justified in Buddhism. This will be the focus of this essay.
noblestrategy.pdfNoble Strategy: Essays of the Buddhist Path1052 viewsThe essays in this book present views on basic elements in the Buddhist path—the attitudes, concepts, and practices that lead to total freedom for the mind. If the views are right, they themselves form a part of the path. Thus, in learning how to make best use of these essays, it’s important to understand how views function in bringing about freedom.
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