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Last additions - Meditative Practices
nibbana1.pdfThe Practice which Leads to Nibbana3026 viewsVen. Pa-Auk Sayadaw

Translated by Greg Kleiman. This is the method of practising meditation that is taught at Pa Auk Tawya Monastery, (Myanmar) Burma. It is based on the explanation of meditation found in the Visuddhimagga commentary. Because of that the method involves several stages of practice which are complex, and involved. These stages include a detailed analysis of both mentality and matter, according to all the categories enumerated in the Abhidhamma, and the further use of this understanding to discern the process of Dependent Origination as it occurs in the Past, Present, and Future. Therefore people who are unfamiliar with the Visuddhimagga and the Abhidhamma will have difficulty in understanding and developing a clear picture of the practice of meditation at Pa Auk Tawya. For foreigners who cannot speak Burmese this problem is made even more difficult. This introduction has been written to help alleviate these difficulties by presenting a simplified example of a successful meditator's path of progress as he develops his meditation at Pa Auk Tawya.
Jan 01, 1970
know-see.pdfKnowing and Seeing3922 viewsVen. Pa-Auk Sayadaw

Talks and Questions and Answers at a meditation retreat in Taiwan by Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw. This book details two approaches to insight meditation, namely, tranquility and insight and bare-insight meditation. These two methods are essentially identical, starting from four-elements meditation and continuing into insight meditation. In this book the reader has an explanation of the classic instructions for both methods. The talks in this book were given by the Sayadaw (teacher), from Pa-Auk, Mawlamyine, Myanmar, while he conducted a two-month meditation retreat at Yi-Tung Temple, Sing Choo City, Taiwan.
Jan 01, 1970
med-guided2.pdfGuided Meditation for Primary Students4458 viewsBuddhaNet's Buddhist Studies for Schools

This is a series of guided meditations with instruction for teachers for primary students. This file is part of BuddhaNet's Buddhist Studies for Schools. It has seven guided meditations for students, with detailed instructions for teachers.
Jan 01, 1970
deathless.pdfMindfulness: The Path of the Deathless5226 viewsAjahn Sumedho

The aim of this book is to provide a clear instruction in and reflection on Buddhist meditation as taught by Ajahn Sumedho, a bhikkhu (monk) of the Theravadin tradition. It has been edited from talks Ajahn Sumedho has given to meditators as a practical approach to the wisdom of Buddhism. This wisdom is otherwise known as Dhamma or 'the way things are'. It is a step-by-step manual on the practice of meditation.
Jan 01, 1970
monkeym.pdfTaming the Monkey Mind3670 viewsCheng Wei-an. Tr. by Dharma Master Suddhisukha

Taming the Monkey Mind is a guide to Pure Land practice. It deals specifically with the main practice of the Pure Land School - Buddha Recitation - and covers both the noumenal and phenomenal aspects of that practice. The treatise is accompanied by the detailed commentary of an Elder Master of the Zen and Pure Land lineages. Readers not familiar with Pure Land theory may wish to begin with Dr. J.C. Cleary's introduction.
Jan 01, 1970
15 files on 2 page(s) 2

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