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craft.pdfThe Craft of the Heart, by Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo1841 viewsThis book, Ajaan Lee’s first, is like a catalog. In it, he gives the full range of his teachings on the practice of the Buddha’s craft, from the observance of the five precepts to the attainment of total liberation. Thus the different parts are written for different people at different stages in the practice, and the reader is advised to read, not judgmentally, but judiciously - taking whatever is useful for his or her own practice, and leaving the rest for others.Jun 14, 2014
Maung_-_Buddhism_and_the_Self.pdfBuddhism and the Self1376 viewsOne of the most perplexing concepts in Buddhist philosophy is the doctrine of anatta, or ‘not-self’. Many have interpreted anatta to be a metaphysical assertion that there is no self, but I argue that this is mistaken. Rather, in line with Thanissaro Bhikkhu, I understand anatta as a practical strategy that has heuristic value in guiding one
towards liberation. Furthermore, I propose that the acceptance of a subjective self can be consistent with and justified in Buddhism. This will be the focus of this essay.
Sep 03, 2013
iabu_journal.pdfThe Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities1704 viewsThe journal of the International Association of Buddhist UniversitiesJan 01, 1970
gratitude.pdfGratitude in the Buddha’s Teachings1987 viewsThis text, with an introduction on the subject of gratitude in the Buddha's Teachings has extacts from Pali Suttas on Gratitude and Suttas on Ingratitude. In the Mangala Sutta, the Buddha declares that the quality of gratitude to be one of the highest blessings, thus showing how it plays a key role in His ethical and spiritual teachings.Jan 01, 1970
10_ways_of_making_merit.pdfTen Ways of Making Merit4288 viewsThe Buddha taught that merit-making is a formidable antidote to overcome the many vicissitudes faced in our day-to-day lives. Hence He declared: ‘Do not fear merit-making. “Merit-making” is a term denoting happiness, what is desirable, pleasant, dear and charming. For I recall in my mind very well that after making merit for a long time, I experienced desirable, pleasant, dear and charming results for a long time. Let therefore a man train himself in merit-making that yields long-lasting happiness. Let him cultivate the practice of giving, virtuous conduct and a mind of metta. By cultivating these qualities the wise man arrives in untroubled and happy states.Jan 01, 1970
thera-chifuner.pdfTheravadin Buddhist Chinese Funeral1559 viewsGenerally, a Chinese funeral is a mixture of Taoist, Confucian and Buddhist rites. How then should a Theravadin Buddhist funeral be conducted? Venerable Suvanno, a respected and senior Theravadin Buddhist monk of Chinese descent explains how a Theravadin Buddhist Chinese funeral may be conducted.Jan 01, 1970
ctp_book-2up_v1.pdfClearing the Path2554 viewsNOTE: The primary book version was made for printing as a book so it was not optimised for onscreen viewing or personal printout. This version 2upbookctpv1.PDF has been reprinted (Distilled) via Acrobat so that there are now 2 pages per A4 page in Landscape orientation (rather than usual Portrait orientation) so as to make personal printouts for reading much easier. The same effect could be obtained by using the original CtPbookv1.pdf and printing that via your desktop printer driver so as to have 2 pages per page (if possible).Jan 01, 1970
ctp_book_v1.pdfClearing the Path2066 viewsNOTE: Primarily the PDF CtPbookV1.pdf is made to be printed as a book. Other versions of this PDF are modified to be better viewed on screen - whilst another is already pre-printed in PDF format as a 2-up meaning that there are 2 pages per A4 Landscape oriented page to make for easier printout (on A4 paper) for personal use.Jan 01, 1970
ctp_screen-view-v1.pdfClearing the Path2194 viewsNOTE: There are 3 versions of Clearing the Path. This version is made for screen viewing and is very similar to the book version. However it is not designed to be printed because the pages are not a standard size (the pages have been cropped for easier screen viewing). It cannot be expected that this material, which poses a clear challenge to the mainstream version of Buddhism, will gain any great popularity among the majority of Buddhists - Eastern or Western - but at least it can suggest an alternative approach to the Buddha's original Teaching, and perhaps serve as a useful eye-opener for those seeking an understanding of its more fundamental principles.Jan 01, 1970
kathina.pdfKathina: Then and Now1539 viewsThe kathina ceremony is now an internationally established celebration where the Sangha and the laity meet to participate in mutually rewarding, meritorious activities. Throughout the centuries, the way of carrying out the ceremony has changed with local interpretations, practices and customs. How much has deviated from the original scriptural tradition - how much is in accordance with the scriptures and how much is mere invention? In this booklet, Venerable Aggacitta Bhikkhu combines his scriptural knowledge and practical experience to scrutinise the kathina ceremony through two articles: The Scriptural Tradition of Kathina; Kathina Benefits - Illusion, Delusion and Resolution.Jan 01, 1970
41 files on 5 page(s) 3

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