Last additions - Documentary Photos by Friedrich Reg |

IMG0085.jpgNakagawa Roshi Munich 1995643 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0084.jpgConciliation of Tradition and Modern Times Advayavajra K.H. Gottmann716 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0083.jpgCeremonial Reception at Pra Pathom Chedi Thailand640 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0082.jpgPanca-Sila-Ceremony WFB-Conference 1990 Seoul, Korea637 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0081.jpgCeremony at the Han River WFB-Conference 1990 Seoul, Korea633 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0080.jpgOn theWay to the Emerald Buddha Bangkok, Thailand639 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0079.jpgVisit to the Royal Palace Bangkok, Thailand650 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0078.jpgScattered all over the World... Vietnamese Monk in Taiwan844 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0077.jpgYoung Monk from Tiranagama Sri Lanka709 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0076.jpgIn the Light of the Ascending Sun Adams Peak, Sri Lanka661 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013