Last additions - Documentary Photos by Friedrich Reg |

IMG0025.jpgBuddha Amitabha at The Fo Kuang Shang Monastery, Taiwan876 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0024.jpgTibetan Puja Bavaria958 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0023.jpgLama Govinda’s Message in the West Nepal Pagoda, Munich938 viewsSep 29, 2013

IMG0022.jpgRecitation with Ayya Khema Waldbachhof, Southern Germany1032 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0021.jpgIsland Retreat Parappaduwa, Sri Lanka1025 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0020.jpgMeditation at the "Golden Rock" in Myanmar1032 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0019.jpgStillness and Prayer Bangkok, Thailand951 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0018.jpgBuddha’s Eyes "Everywhere" Svayambhunath, Nepal989 viewsSep 29, 2013

IMG0017.jpgSunrise at the "Golden Rock" Myanmar995 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013

IMG0016.jpgAscetic Pilgrimage Lamas in Bodh-Gaya, India958 viewsSangha - Monks and Nuns in the Buddhist CommunitySep 29, 2013