Last additions - Theravada |

11atanatiya_paritta_gatha_pali.mp3Aatanatiya Paritta Gatha (Pali)1342 viewsAatanatiya Paritta Gatha (Pali)Apr 24, 2009

10dedication_and_sharing_of_merit_burmese.mp3Dedication and Sharing of Merit (Burmese)1576 viewsThe Dedication and Sharing of Merit in Burmese.Apr 24, 2009

09dedicaition_and_sharing_of_merit_english.mp3Dedication and Sharing of Merit (English)1344 viewsDedication and Sharing of Merit in EnglishApr 24, 2009

08metta_chant_3_pali.mp3Metta Chant 3 (Pali)1617 viewsThe Metta Chant 3 in Pali Apr 24, 2009

07metta_sutta_english.mp3Metta Sutta (English)1589 viewsThe Metta Sutta chanted in English Apr 24, 2009

05chanmyay_sayadaw_chant_burmese.mp3Chanmyay Sayadaw Chant (Burmese)1322 viewsChanmyay Sayadaw Chant (Burmese) Apr 24, 2009

04metta_chant_2pali.mp3Metta Chant 2 (Pali)2062 viewsMetta Chant 2 in Pali.Apr 24, 2009

01homage_refuge_attributes.mp3Homage, Going for Refuge, Attributes of the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha (Pali)4859 viewsHomage, Going for Refuge, Attributes of the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha (Pali)Apr 24, 2009

02metta_chant_1_pali.mp3Metta Chant 1 (Pali)4173 viewsThe Metta Chant 1 in PaliApr 24, 2009

vandana.mp3Vandana: Devotional Chanting1816 viewsHomage to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha or the Triple Gem.Apr 20, 2009
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