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UpSideDown.pdfAn Upside Down World2831 viewsFind out how the sad upside down world of four unhappy wanderers go the right side up again in this wonderful illustrated story book. Suitable for younger children, it includes some fun activities to do as you read along. This book has both colour and black & white Illustrations. [30 pages]Jan 01, 1970

bmDamaStory.pdfDhammapada Stories12941 viewsSelected verses from the Dhammapada, all depicted with thirty-two beautiful illustrations. This collection is a great introduction to the Dhammapada and has been carefully compiled and edited for the younger reader by Gambhiro Bhikkhu. [126 pages]Jan 01, 1970

DeadNightEng.pdfIn the Dead of Night4216 viewsI had been driving all day on a long, lonely, dusty road. Night had already fallen when I decided to rest. I still had a long way to go and I felt very tired. This book deals with people's fear and emotions with some scary, but humorous illustrations by Joel Israel. [42 pages]Jan 01, 1970

WhoBossEng.pdfWho's the Boss2663 viewsWho do you think the boss of the Body is? Well the heart thinks HE is. But is he? The other organs certainly don't agree. Find out how each one of them tried to convince the others, and you, why they are the boss. [36 pages]Jan 01, 1970

children.pdfLove Your Children the Right Way7389 viewsI composed this book when I was in Chiang Mai, where I lived for 10 years. In my work there, I observed many parents who had children but knew nothing about how to raise there beloved children properly so that they would grow to be good citizens of the nation. When I thought about this matter, I started writing an article concerning parents responsibility in raising their children - Panyananda Bhikkhu.Jan 01, 1970

budartthai2.pdfBuddhist Arts in Thailand4339 viewsThis is a study of the development of Art and Architecture in Thailand with Buddhism. The Culture of Thailand has two important sources of origin: indigenous and foreign. The indigenous source comes directly from the ideas and inspiration of the people while the foreign sources came through its cultural contact with other great civilised nations such as India and China. In the field of art, it mainly deals with religions such as Buddhism and the cultural and artistic relationship with India, and other countries. Thai art served religion, which formed the national ideal and conception of life.Jan 01, 1970

icon_nepbud.pdfThe Iconography of Nepalese Buddhism3166 viewsThis is an illustrated version of the Iconography of Nepalese Buddhism.Jan 01, 1970

icon_nepbud_txt.pdfThe Iconography of Nepalese Buddhism (Text version)2328 viewsNepal has a time-honoured tradition of art and culture embedded with Buddhism. In fact, the artistic tradition of Nepalese people is instrumental in elevating the status of Nepal in the world. In the past Nepalese artists produced many excellent images and were sent to Tibet, China, Japan and Mongolia. The purpose of this monograph is to provide some facts, materials and information on Buddhist Iconography gathered through extensive study of canonical texts relating to Vajrayana Buddhism.Jan 01, 1970

rbddh10.pdfRecord of Buddhistic Kingdoms3198 viewsFa-Hien was a Chinese monk of the Eastern dynasty (4th-5th Century). In 399 he left China for India, finally arriving there after six years of hard travel. After studying Sanskrit and obtaining many Sanskrit texts of the Tripitaka (Buddhist canon), he returned to China by sea in 414. This text is an Account by Fa-Hien of his travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in Search of the Buddhist Books of Discipline. Translated and annotated with a Corean recension of the Chinese text by James Legge.Jan 01, 1970

sakya_bios.pdfBiographies of Sachen Kunga Nyingpo & H.H. The 41st Sakya Trizin3119 viewsThis book on the biographies of the Great Sachen Kunga Nyingpo and the current lineage holder of the Sakya sect in Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trizin, has been compiled by Ratna Vajra Sakya, Dolma Lhama and Lama Jampa Losel. It includes photographic material of the His Holiness Sakya Trizin.Jan 01, 1970
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