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noblestrategy.pdfNoble Strategy: Essays of the Buddhist Path1079 viewsThe essays in this book present views on basic elements in the Buddhist path—the attitudes, concepts, and practices that lead to total freedom for the mind. If the views are right, they themselves form a part of the path. Thus, in learning how to make best use of these essays, it’s important to understand how views function in bringing about freedom.Jun 14, 2014
itself.pdfAwareness Itself: The Teachings of Ajaan Fuang Jotiko1216 viewsContents: Introduction; Mind what you Say; Mind what you Eat; People practicing the Dhamma; Merit; Student/Teacher; Living in the World; The Celibate Life; Meditation; Breathing; Visions & Signs; Right at Awareness; Contemplation; Realization.Jun 14, 2014
into_the_stream.pdfInto the Stream: A Study Guide On The First Stage Of Awakening1174 viewsThe Pali Canon recognizes four levels of Awakening, the first of which is called stream entry. This gains its name from the fact that a person who has attained this level has entered the “stream” flowing inevitably to Nibbana. He/she is guaranteed to achieve full awakening within seven lifetimes at most, and in the interim will not be reborn in any of the lower realms.

This study guide on stream entry is divided into two parts. The first deals with the practices leading to stream entry; the second, with the experience of stream entry and its results.
Jun 14, 2014
headandheartbook.pdfHead and Heart Together: Essays on the Buddhist Path1035 viewsContents: The Lessons of Gratitude; No Strings Attached; The Power of Judgment; Think like a Thief; Strength Training for the Mind; Mindfulness Defined; The Joy of Effort; Head & Heart Together; The Wisdom of the Ego; Ignorance; Food for Awakening; The Buddha via the Bible; Freedom from Buddha Nature.Jun 14, 2014
Between_The_Lines_Vol__1.pdfBetween The Lines (Volume 1) An analytical appreciation of the Buddha's Life 3062 views"Some 2500 years ago in ancient Northeast India, a young, brilliant and courageous man discovered the sublime answer to how the mind works and how to realise unconditioned happiness and bliss. For the next 45 years, he devoted his life to teaching the doctrine that helped bring unparalleled happiness, peace and relief to numerous people long after his death. In time stories began to emerge proclaiming his greatness and his near-divinity status. Over generations and into distant lands, those stories took on a life of their own. Eventually the real man is buried under a mountain of beautiful fantasies and magical tales. Scholars in Buddhist studies have never lost sight of the historical Buddha. There is a beautiful story to tell about the real man but the materials never quite made it to the mass market because academic books are generally hard to read and appreciate.Jun 14, 2014
craft.pdfThe Craft of the Heart, by Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo1840 viewsThis book, Ajaan Lee’s first, is like a catalog. In it, he gives the full range of his teachings on the practice of the Buddha’s craft, from the observance of the five precepts to the attainment of total liberation. Thus the different parts are written for different people at different stages in the practice, and the reader is advised to read, not judgmentally, but judiciously - taking whatever is useful for his or her own practice, and leaving the rest for others.Jun 14, 2014
10.jpg10. Ten Oxherding Picture1446 viewsRETURNING TO HELP SENTIENT BEINGSFeb 13, 2014
9.jpg9. Ten Oxherding Picture1123 viewsRETURNING TO THE SOURCEFeb 13, 2014
8.jpg8. Ten Oxherding Picture1224 viewsBOTH OX AND SELF FORGOTTENFeb 13, 2014
7.jpg7. Ten Oxherding Picture1313 viewsOX FORGOTTEN, SELF ALONEFeb 13, 2014
1212 files on 122 page(s) 11

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