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ctp_book_v1.pdfClearing the Path2066 viewsNOTE: Primarily the PDF CtPbookV1.pdf is made to be printed as a book. Other versions of this PDF are modified to be better viewed on screen - whilst another is already pre-printed in PDF format as a 2-up meaning that there are 2 pages per A4 Landscape oriented page to make for easier printout (on A4 paper) for personal use.Jan 01, 1970

ctp_screen-view-v1.pdfClearing the Path2194 viewsNOTE: There are 3 versions of Clearing the Path. This version is made for screen viewing and is very similar to the book version. However it is not designed to be printed because the pages are not a standard size (the pages have been cropped for easier screen viewing). It cannot be expected that this material, which poses a clear challenge to the mainstream version of Buddhism, will gain any great popularity among the majority of Buddhists - Eastern or Western - but at least it can suggest an alternative approach to the Buddha's original Teaching, and perhaps serve as a useful eye-opener for those seeking an understanding of its more fundamental principles.Jan 01, 1970

kathina.pdfKathina: Then and Now1539 viewsThe kathina ceremony is now an internationally established celebration where the Sangha and the laity meet to participate in mutually rewarding, meritorious activities. Throughout the centuries, the way of carrying out the ceremony has changed with local interpretations, practices and customs. How much has deviated from the original scriptural tradition - how much is in accordance with the scriptures and how much is mere invention? In this booklet, Venerable Aggacitta Bhikkhu combines his scriptural knowledge and practical experience to scrutinise the kathina ceremony through two articles: The Scriptural Tradition of Kathina; Kathina Benefits - Illusion, Delusion and Resolution.Jan 01, 1970

dietolive.pdfDying to Live2557 viewsThere are different views and beliefs about what happens after death. Tibetan (Vajrayana) and Chinese (Mahayana) Buddhists believe that after death, the spirit of the dead person passes through an intermediate period (bardo in Tibetan, zhong yin in Mandarin)- which may last for as long as forty-nine days - during which it undergoes a series of unearthly, extraordinary experiences, including a "small death" at the end of each week, before it is finally reborn into another realm of existence. In contrast, orthodox Theravada Buddhism, which is the earliest extant record of Gotama Buddha's teaching, asserts that rebirth takes place immediately after death.Jan 01, 1970

good_evil_beyond.pdfGood, Evil and Beyond2134 viewsFor the modern Westerner, the teaching of kamma offers a path of practice based not on fear of a higher authority, nor dogma, but rather founded on a clear understanding of the natural law of cause and effect as it relates to human behaviour. It is a teaching to be not so much believed as understood and seen in operation.Jan 01, 1970

roots_goodevil.pdfThe Roots of Good and Evil1697 viewsGreed, hatred, and delusion - these are the three bad roots in us. Conversely the good ones are non-greed (i.e generosity), non-hatred (love), and non-delusion (wisdom). All our troubles and suffering stem essentially from the bad roots while our joy and happiness comes from the good ones. It is important to know and understand these roots if we are going to make an end of suffering and attain true peace and happiness. This book explains in a penetrative way the nature of these six roots. It contains discourses of the Buddha on the subject together with traditional commentarial explanations.Jan 01, 1970

allexistence.pdfThe 31 Planes of Existence4035 viewsThe suttas describe the 31 distinct planes or realms of existence into which beings can be reborn during their long wanderings through samsara. These range from the extraordinarily dark, grim, and painful hell realms all the way up to the most sublime, refined and exquisitely blissful heavenly realms. Existence in every realm is impermanent; in the cosmology taught by the Buddha there is no eternal heaven or hell. Beings are born into a particular realm according to both their past kamma.
Jan 01, 1970

volition.pdfVolition and the Law of Kamma1874 viewsWhat is kamma? The Buddha said: "Oh monks, it is volition that I call kamma." The popular meaning of kamma is action or doing, but as a technical term, kamma means volition or will. When you do something, there is volition behind it, and that volition, that mental effort, is called kamma. The Buddha explained that, having willed, one then acts through body, speech, and mind. Whatever you do, there is some kind of kamma, mental effort, will, and volition. Volition is one of the fifty-two mental states which arise together with consciousness.Jan 01, 1970

noinnercore.pdfNo Inner Core1850 viewsAnatta is a Pali word consisting of a negative prefix, "an" meaning not, plus atta, soul, and is most literally translated as no-soul. The word atta, however, has a wide range of meanings, and some of those meanings cross over into the fields of psychology, philosophy, and everyday terminology, as, for example, when atta can mean self, being, ego, and personality. Therefore, we will examine and elucidate the wide range of meanings which atta can signify in order to determine exactly what the Buddha denied when He proclaimed that He teaches anatt?, that is, when He denied the existence of atta. We will examine both Buddhist and non-Buddhist definitions of the term soul, and we will also examine modern definitions of terms such as ego and self.Jan 01, 1970

bhikkhuni_patimokkha.pdfThe Bhikkhuni Patimokkha of the Six Schools3103 viewsDr. Chatsumarn Kabilsingh has translated the monastic rules of Buddhist nuns or the Patimokkha of the Six Schools, which will help us to learn and compare Theravada, Mahasanghika, Mahisasaka, Sarvastivada, Dhamagupta and Mula-Sarvastivada. The study of the patimokkha also provides insight into the historical context from which the rules took place. This translation will also provide valuable material for concerned Buddhist scholars.Jan 01, 1970
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